httpStatusPhrases constant

Map<int, String> const httpStatusPhrases

Mapping of the most common HTTP status code to text. See


static const Map<int, String> httpStatusPhrases = {
  100: "Continue",
  200: "OK",
  201: "Created",
  202: "Accepted",
  300: "Multiple Choices",
  301: "Moved Permanently",
  400: "Bad Request",
  401: "Unauthorized",
  402: "Payment Required",
  403: "Forbidden",
  404: "Not Found",
  405: "Method Not Allowed",
  408: "Request Timeout",
  409: "Conflict",
  410: "Gone",
  500: "Internal Server Error",
  501: "Not Implemented",
  502: "Bad Gateway",
  503: "Service Unavailable",
  504: "Gateway Timeout",
  505: "HTTP Version Not Supported",