SmartphoneDeploymentController class

A SmartphoneDeploymentController controls the execution of a SmartphoneDeployment.

  • Object
  • StudyRuntime<DeviceRegistration>
  • SmartphoneDeploymentController


SmartphoneDeploymentController(DeploymentService deploymentService, DeviceDataCollectorFactory deviceRegistry)
Create a new SmartphoneDeploymentController to control the runtime behavior of a study deployment.


dataEndPoint DataEndPoint?
The configuration of the data endpoint, i.e. how data is saved or uploaded.
no setter
dataManager DataManager?
The data manager responsible for handling the data collected by this controller.
no setter
deployment SmartphoneDeployment?
The PrimaryDeviceDeployment for this study runtime.
getter/setter pairinherited-setteroverride-getter
deploymentService ↔ DeploymentService
The deployment service to use to retrieve and manage the study deployment.
getter/setter pairinherited
deploymentStatus ↔ StudyDeploymentStatus?
The latest known deployment status retrieved from the deploymentService. Null if not know.
getter/setter pairinherited
deviceRegistration → DeviceRegistration?
The unique device registration for this device. Set in the addStudy method.
no setterinherited
deviceRegistry DeviceController
The device registry that handles the devices used in this runtime.
getter/setter pairinherited-setteroverride-getter
executor SmartphoneDeploymentExecutor
The executor executing the deployment.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isDeployed bool
Has the device deployment been completed successfully?
no setterinherited
isInitialized bool
Has this StudyRuntime been initialized?
no setterinherited
isStopped bool
Has the study and data collection been stopped?
no setterinherited
measurements Stream<Measurement>
The stream of all sampled measurements.
no setter
permissions Map<Permission, PermissionStatus>
The permissions granted to this client from the OS.
no setter
privacySchemaName String
The privacy schema used to encrypt data before upload.
no setter
remainingDevicesToRegister List<DeviceConfiguration<DeviceRegistration>>
The list of devices that still remain to be registered before all devices in this study runtime is registered.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
samplingSize int
The sampling size of this deployment in terms of number of Measurement that has been collected since sampling was started. Note that this number is not persistent, and the counter hence resets across app restart.
no setter
status ↔ StudyStatus
The status of the study running on this StudyRuntime.
getter/setter pairinherited
statusEvents Stream<StudyStatus>
The stream of StudyStatus events for this controller.
no setterinherited
study → Study?
The study for this study runtime. Set in the addStudy method. null if no study has been added yet.
no setterinherited
studyDeploymentId String?
The study deployment id for the study of this controller.
no setterinherited
transformer DataTransformer
The transformer used to transform data before upload.
no setter


addStudy(Study study, DeviceRegistration deviceRegistration) Future<void>
Adds study this study runtime by specifying its study and deviceRegistration.
askForAllPermissions() Future<void>
Asking for all permissions needed for the included measures in this study deployment.
configure({DataEndPoint? dataEndPoint, DataTransformer? transformer}) Future<void>
Configure this SmartphoneDeploymentController.
connectAllConnectableDevices() Future<void>
Connect all connectable devices to be used in the deployment and which are available on this phone.
dispose() → void
Called when this controller is disposed permanently.
eraseDeployment() Future<void>
Erase study deployment information cached locally on this phone.
getStudyDeploymentStatus() Future<StudyDeploymentStatus?>
Get the status for a study deployment for the study. Returns null if studyDeploymentId is not found.
initializeDevice(DeviceConfiguration<DeviceRegistration> configuration) → void
Initialize the device specified in the configuration.
initializeDevices() → void
Initialize all devices in this deployment.
measurementsByType(String type) Stream<Measurement>
A stream of all measurements of a specific data type.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
remove() Future<void>
Remove a study from this SmartphoneDeploymentController.
restoreDeployment() Future<bool>
Restore the deployment from a local cache. Returns true if successful.
saveDeployment() Future<bool>
Save the deployment persistently to the local cache. Returns true if successful.
start([bool start = true]) Future<void>
Start this controller.
startHeartbeatMonitoring() → void
Start heartbeat monitoring for all devices, incl. the phone, for the deployment controlled by this controller.
stop() Future<void>
Stop this controller and data sampling.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
tryDeployment({bool useCached = true}) Future<StudyStatus>
Verifies whether the primary device is ready for deployment and in case it is, deploy the study previously added.
tryRegisterConnectedDevice(DeviceConfiguration<DeviceRegistration> device) Future<void>
Tries to register a connected device which is available in this device's deviceRegistry in the deploymentService
tryRegisterRemainingDevicesToRegister() Future<void>
Tries to register the connected devices which still need to be registered in the deploymentService.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.