onDataPoint method

  1. @override
Future<void> onDataPoint(
  1. DataPoint dataPoint

On each data event from the data stream, the onDataPoint handler is called. Implementations of this interface should handle how to save or upload the dataPoint.


Future<void> onDataPoint(DataPoint dataPoint) async {
  final createdAt = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
  final createdBy = dataPoint.carpHeader.userId.toString();
  final carpHeader = jsonEncode(dataPoint.carpHeader);
  final carpBody = jsonEncode(dataPoint.carpBody);
  final deploymentId = studyDeploymentId;
  final sql =
      "INSERT INTO $TABLE_NAME(created_at, created_by, deployment_id, carp_header, carp_body) VALUES('$createdAt', '$createdBy', '$deploymentId', '$carpHeader', '$carpBody')";

  int? id = await database?.rawInsert(sql);
      '$runtimeType - writing data point to SQLite - id: $id, type: ${dataPoint.carpHeader.dataFormat}');