WalletImpl constructor

  1. required BlockchainAdapter blockchainAdapter,
  2. required ShelleyAddress stakeAddress,
  3. required Bip32KeyPair addressKeyPair,
  4. required String walletName,
  5. required HdWallet hdWallet,
  6. int accountIndex = defaultAddressIndex,
  7. CoinSelectionAlgorithm coinSelectionFunction = largestFirst,

Normaly WalletFactory is used to build a wallet and call this method.


  required BlockchainAdapter blockchainAdapter,
  required ShelleyAddress stakeAddress,
  required this.addressKeyPair,
  required String walletName,
  required this.hdWallet,
  this.accountIndex = defaultAddressIndex,
  this.coinSelectionFunction = largestFirst,
}) : super(
          blockchainAdapter: blockchainAdapter,
          stakeAddress: stakeAddress,
          walletName: walletName);