CoinSelectionAlgorithm typedef

CoinSelectionAlgorithm = Future<Result<CoinSelection, CoinSelectionError>> Function({int coinSelectionLimit, bool logSelection, required List<MultiAssetRequest> outputsRequested, required Set<ShelleyAddress> ownedAddresses, required List<WalletTransaction> unspentInputsAvailable})

Coin selection is the process of picking UTxO inputs to perticipate in a spending transaction. There is a dedicated Cardano Improvement Proposal that this implementation is attempting to follo in spirit:

Implementations details can be found here:

The result of this method will ultimatly be a list of ShelleyTransactionInput which point to an UTXO unspent change entry using a transactionId and index:

class ShelleyTransactionInput { final String transactionId; final int index; } coin selection function type


/// coin selection function type
typedef CoinSelectionAlgorithm
    = Future<Result<CoinSelection, CoinSelectionError>> Function({
  required List<WalletTransaction> unspentInputsAvailable,
  required List<MultiAssetRequest> outputsRequested,
  required Set<ShelleyAddress> ownedAddresses,
  int coinSelectionLimit,
  bool logSelection,