testSepAxis method

double? testSepAxis(
  1. Vec3 axis,
  2. ConvexPolyhedron hullB,
  3. Vec3 posA,
  4. Quaternion quatA,
  5. Vec3 posB,
  6. Quaternion quatB,

Test separating axis against two hulls. Both hulls are projected onto the axis and the overlap size is returned if there is one. @return The overlap depth, or FALSE if no penetration.


double? testSepAxis(
  Vec3 axis,
  ConvexPolyhedron hullB,
  Vec3 posA,
  Quaternion quatA,
  Vec3 posB,
  Quaternion quatB
  final hullA = this;
  final List<double> maxminA = [0,0];
  final List<double> maxminB = [0,0];
  ConvexPolyhedron.project(hullA, axis, posA, quatA, maxminA);
  ConvexPolyhedron.project(hullB, axis, posB, quatB, maxminB);
  final maxA = maxminA[0];
  final minA = maxminA[1];
  final maxB = maxminB[0];
  final minB = maxminB[1];
  if (maxA < minB || maxB < minA) {
    return null; // Separated
  final double d0 = maxA - minB;
  final d1 = maxB - minA;
  final double depth = d0 < d1 ? d0 : d1;
  return depth;