DistanceConstraint constructor

  1. Body bodyA,
  2. Body bodyB, [
  3. double? distance,
  4. double maxForce = 1e6,

distance The distance to keep. If undefined, it will be set to the current distance between bodyA and bodyB. maxForce The maximum force that should be applied to constrain the bodies.


DistanceConstraint(Body bodyA, Body bodyB, [double? distance, double maxForce = 1e6]):super(bodyA, bodyB) {
  this.distance = distance ?? bodyA.position.distanceTo(bodyB.position);
  distanceEquation = ContactEquation(bodyA, bodyB);
  final eq = distanceEquation;

  // Make it bidirectional
  eq.minForce = -maxForce;
  eq.maxForce = maxForce;