calendar123 library


Class containing all custom builders for TableCalendar.
Class containing styling and configuration for TableCalendar's content.
Class containing styling for TableCalendar's days of week panel.
Class containing styling and configuration of TableCalendar's header.
Helper class containing data for internal Positioned widget.
Highly customizable, feature-packed Flutter calendar with gestures, animations and multiple formats.


Gestures available for the calendar.
Formats that the calendar can display.
Modes that range selection can operate in.
Days of the week that the calendar can start with.


getWeekdayNumber(StartingDayOfWeek weekday) int
Returns a numerical value associated with given weekday.
isSameDay(DateTime? a, DateTime? b) bool
Checks if two DateTime objects are the same day. Returns false if either of them is null.
normalizeDate(DateTime date) DateTime
Returns date in UTC format, without its time part.


DayBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, DateTime day)
Signature for a function that creates a widget for a given day.
FocusedDayBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, DateTime day, DateTime focusedDay)
Signature for a function that creates a widget for a given day. Additionally, contains the currently focused day.
HighlightBuilder = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, DateTime day, bool isWithinRange)
Signature for a function that creates a background highlight for a given day.
MarkerBuilder<T> = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, DateTime day, List<T> events)
Signature for a function that creates an event marker for a given day. Contains a list of events associated with that day.
OnDaySelected = void Function(DateTime selectedDay, DateTime focusedDay)
Signature for onDaySelected callback. Contains the selected day and focused day.
OnRangeSelected = void Function(DateTime? start, DateTime? end, DateTime focusedDay)
Signature for onRangeSelected callback. Contains start and end of the selected range, as well as currently focused day.
SingleMarkerBuilder<T> = Widget? Function(BuildContext context, DateTime day, T event)
Signature for a function that creates a single event marker for a given day. Contains a single event associated with that day.
TextFormatter = String Function(DateTime date, dynamic locale)
Signature for a function returning text that can be localized and formatted with DateFormat.