DocumentDetector class
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setAndroidSettings (AndroidSettings androidSettings )
→ void
Set Android platform exclusive settings.
setCountryCodeList (List <CountryCodesList > countryCodeList )
→ void
Restrict the acceptance of passport documents to only those issued by
a specific country or a predefined list of countries.
setCurrentStepDoneDelayAndroid (bool enableDelay , int ? millisecondsDelay )
→ void
Delay the activity after the completion of each capture step.
setCurrentStepDoneDelayIOS (int secondsDelay )
→ void
Delay the view after the completion of each capture step.
Enable/Disable the inflated popup with instructions before
each document capture step.
setIOSSettings (IOSSettings iosSettings )
→ void
Set iOS platform exclusive settings.
setMessageSettings (MessageSettings messageSettings )
→ void
Configure customized messages that are displayed
during the capture and analysis process.
setNetworkSettings (int requestTimeoutInSeconds )
→ void
Defines requests timeout.
setPersonId (String personId )
→ void
Set users identifier for fraud profile identification purposes and to
assist in the identification of Analytics logs in cases of bugs and errors.
setPreviewSettings (PreviewSettings previewSettings )
→ void
Enables/disables the document picture preview for the user,
so they can check if it's all ok before send it.
Create a PreviewSettings
element with the desired settings.
setStage (CafStage stage )
→ void
Set the runnin environment.
setUploadSettings (UploadSettings uploadSettings )
→ void
Sets the configuration for document upload flow.
By enabling this option, the user will be prompted to upload
the document file instead of capturing them with the device's camera.
This option also includes quality checks.
setUrlExpirationTime (String urlExpirationTime )
→ void
Sets the time the image URL will last on the server until it is expired.
Expect to receive a time interval between "30m" to "30d".
setUseAnalytics (bool useAnalytics )
→ void
Enables/disables data gathering for analytics purposes -
logs in cases of bugs and errors or fraud profile identification.
start ()
→ Future <DocumentDetectorEvent >
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
caf_document_detector 7.0.3