CountryCodesList enum
- Inheritance
- Available extensions
- abw → const CountryCodesList
- afg → const CountryCodesList
- ago → const CountryCodesList
- aia → const CountryCodesList
- ala → const CountryCodesList
- alb → const CountryCodesList
- and → const CountryCodesList
- are → const CountryCodesList
- arg → const CountryCodesList
- arm → const CountryCodesList
- asm → const CountryCodesList
- ata → const CountryCodesList
- atf → const CountryCodesList
- atg → const CountryCodesList
- aus → const CountryCodesList
- aut → const CountryCodesList
- aze → const CountryCodesList
- bdi → const CountryCodesList
- bel → const CountryCodesList
- ben → const CountryCodesList
- bes → const CountryCodesList
- bfa → const CountryCodesList
- bgd → const CountryCodesList
- bgr → const CountryCodesList
- bhr → const CountryCodesList
- bhs → const CountryCodesList
- bih → const CountryCodesList
- blm → const CountryCodesList
- blr → const CountryCodesList
- blz → const CountryCodesList
- bmu → const CountryCodesList
- bol → const CountryCodesList
- bra → const CountryCodesList
- brb → const CountryCodesList
- brn → const CountryCodesList
- btn → const CountryCodesList
- bvt → const CountryCodesList
- bwa → const CountryCodesList
- caf → const CountryCodesList
- can → const CountryCodesList
- cck → const CountryCodesList
- che → const CountryCodesList
- chl → const CountryCodesList
- civ → const CountryCodesList
- cmr → const CountryCodesList
- cod → const CountryCodesList
- cog → const CountryCodesList
- cok → const CountryCodesList
- col → const CountryCodesList
- com → const CountryCodesList
- cpv → const CountryCodesList
- cri → const CountryCodesList
- cub → const CountryCodesList
- cuw → const CountryCodesList
- cxr → const CountryCodesList
- cym → const CountryCodesList
- cyp → const CountryCodesList
- cze → const CountryCodesList
- deu → const CountryCodesList
- dji → const CountryCodesList
- dma → const CountryCodesList
- dnk → const CountryCodesList
- dom → const CountryCodesList
- dza → const CountryCodesList
- ecu → const CountryCodesList
- egy → const CountryCodesList
- eri → const CountryCodesList
- esh → const CountryCodesList
- esp → const CountryCodesList
- est → const CountryCodesList
- eth → const CountryCodesList
- fin → const CountryCodesList
- fji → const CountryCodesList
- flk → const CountryCodesList
- fra → const CountryCodesList
- fro → const CountryCodesList
- fsm → const CountryCodesList
- gab → const CountryCodesList
- gbr → const CountryCodesList
- geo → const CountryCodesList
- ggy → const CountryCodesList
- gha → const CountryCodesList
- gib → const CountryCodesList
- gin → const CountryCodesList
- glp → const CountryCodesList
- gmb → const CountryCodesList
- gnb → const CountryCodesList
- gnq → const CountryCodesList
- grc → const CountryCodesList
- grd → const CountryCodesList
- grl → const CountryCodesList
- gtm → const CountryCodesList
- guf → const CountryCodesList
- gum → const CountryCodesList
- guy → const CountryCodesList
- hkg → const CountryCodesList
- hmd → const CountryCodesList
- hnd → const CountryCodesList
- hrv → const CountryCodesList
- hti → const CountryCodesList
- hun → const CountryCodesList
- idn → const CountryCodesList
- imn → const CountryCodesList
- ind → const CountryCodesList
- iot → const CountryCodesList
- irl → const CountryCodesList
- irn → const CountryCodesList
- irq → const CountryCodesList
- isl → const CountryCodesList
- isr → const CountryCodesList
- ita → const CountryCodesList
- jam → const CountryCodesList
- jey → const CountryCodesList
- jor → const CountryCodesList
- jpn → const CountryCodesList
- kaz → const CountryCodesList
- ken → const CountryCodesList
- kgz → const CountryCodesList
- khm → const CountryCodesList
- kir → const CountryCodesList
- kna → const CountryCodesList
- kor → const CountryCodesList
- kwt → const CountryCodesList
- lao → const CountryCodesList
- lbn → const CountryCodesList
- lbr → const CountryCodesList
- lby → const CountryCodesList
- lca → const CountryCodesList
- lie → const CountryCodesList
- lka → const CountryCodesList
- lso → const CountryCodesList
- ltu → const CountryCodesList
- lux → const CountryCodesList
- lva → const CountryCodesList
- mac → const CountryCodesList
- maf → const CountryCodesList
- mar → const CountryCodesList
- mco → const CountryCodesList
- mda → const CountryCodesList
- mdg → const CountryCodesList
- mdv → const CountryCodesList
- mex → const CountryCodesList
- mhl → const CountryCodesList
- mkd → const CountryCodesList
- mli → const CountryCodesList
- mlt → const CountryCodesList
- mmr → const CountryCodesList
- mne → const CountryCodesList
- mng → const CountryCodesList
- mnp → const CountryCodesList
- moz → const CountryCodesList
- mrt → const CountryCodesList
- msr → const CountryCodesList
- mtq → const CountryCodesList
- mus → const CountryCodesList
- mwi → const CountryCodesList
- mys → const CountryCodesList
- myt → const CountryCodesList
- nam → const CountryCodesList
- ncl → const CountryCodesList
- ner → const CountryCodesList
- nfk → const CountryCodesList
- nga → const CountryCodesList
- nic → const CountryCodesList
- niu → const CountryCodesList
- nld → const CountryCodesList
- nor → const CountryCodesList
- npl → const CountryCodesList
- nru → const CountryCodesList
- nzl → const CountryCodesList
- omn → const CountryCodesList
- pak → const CountryCodesList
- pan → const CountryCodesList
- pcn → const CountryCodesList
- per → const CountryCodesList
- phl → const CountryCodesList
- plw → const CountryCodesList
- png → const CountryCodesList
- pol → const CountryCodesList
- pri → const CountryCodesList
- prk → const CountryCodesList
- prt → const CountryCodesList
- pry → const CountryCodesList
- pse → const CountryCodesList
- pyf → const CountryCodesList
- qat → const CountryCodesList
- reu → const CountryCodesList
- rou → const CountryCodesList
- rus → const CountryCodesList
- rwa → const CountryCodesList
- sau → const CountryCodesList
- sdn → const CountryCodesList
- sen → const CountryCodesList
- sgp → const CountryCodesList
- sgs → const CountryCodesList
- shn → const CountryCodesList
- sjm → const CountryCodesList
- slb → const CountryCodesList
- sle → const CountryCodesList
- slv → const CountryCodesList
- smr → const CountryCodesList
- som → const CountryCodesList
- spm → const CountryCodesList
- srb → const CountryCodesList
- ssd → const CountryCodesList
- stp → const CountryCodesList
- sur → const CountryCodesList
- svk → const CountryCodesList
- svn → const CountryCodesList
- swe → const CountryCodesList
- swz → const CountryCodesList
- sxm → const CountryCodesList
- syc → const CountryCodesList
- syr → const CountryCodesList
- tca → const CountryCodesList
- tcd → const CountryCodesList
- tgo → const CountryCodesList
- tha → const CountryCodesList
- tjk → const CountryCodesList
- tkl → const CountryCodesList
- tkm → const CountryCodesList
- tls → const CountryCodesList
- ton → const CountryCodesList
- tto → const CountryCodesList
- tun → const CountryCodesList
- tur → const CountryCodesList
- tuv → const CountryCodesList
- twn → const CountryCodesList
- tza → const CountryCodesList
- uga → const CountryCodesList
- ukr → const CountryCodesList
- umi → const CountryCodesList
- ury → const CountryCodesList
- usa → const CountryCodesList
- uzb → const CountryCodesList
- vat → const CountryCodesList
- vct → const CountryCodesList
- ven → const CountryCodesList
- vgb → const CountryCodesList
- vir → const CountryCodesList
- vnm → const CountryCodesList
- vut → const CountryCodesList
- wlf → const CountryCodesList
- wsm → const CountryCodesList
- yem → const CountryCodesList
- zaf → const CountryCodesList
- zmb → const CountryCodesList
- zwe → const CountryCodesList
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- index → int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
- name → String
Available on Enum, provided by the EnumName extension
The name of the enum setter - runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- stringValue → String
Available on CountryCodesList, provided by the CountryCodeToString extension
no setter
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
→ const List<
CountryCodesList> - A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.