InfiniteQuery<T, Arg> class

InfiniteQuery caches a series of Query's for use in an infinite list.

The queryFn must be asynchronous and the result is cached.

InfiniteQuery takes a key to identify and store it in the global cache. The key can be any serializable data. The key is converted to a String using jsonEncode.

Each InfiniteQuery can override the global defaults for refetchDuration and cacheDuration, see CachedQuery.config for more info.

Use revalidateAll to sequentially refetch all cached pages if the first two pages are not equal.

Use forceRevalidateAll to force the infinite query to refetch all pages when it becomes stale, rather than comparing the first page.

To run side effects if the query function is successful or not use onSuccess and onError.



InfiniteQuery({required Object key, required Future<T> queryFn(Arg arg), required GetNextArg<T, Arg> getNextArg, List<Arg>? prefetchPages, QueryConfig? config, List<T>? initialData, bool forceRevalidateAll = false, bool revalidateAll = false, OnQueryErrorCallback<T>? onError, OnQuerySuccessCallback<T>? onSuccess})
InfiniteQuery caches a series of Query's for use in an infinite list.


config QueryConfig
The config for this specific query.
forceRevalidateAll bool
Whether the Query should always refetch all pages, not just check the first for changes.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListener bool
Weather the query stream has any listeners.
no setterinherited
key String
The key used to store and access the query. Encoded using jsonEncode.
lastPage → T?
Get the last page in the
no setter
result Future<InfiniteQueryState<T>>
Get the result of calling the queryFn.
no setteroverride
revalidateAll bool
If the fist page has changed then revalidate all pages. Defaults to false.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stale bool
Whether the current query is marked as stale and therefore requires a refetch.
no setterinherited
state InfiniteQueryState<T>
The current state of the query.
no setterinherited
stream Stream<InfiniteQueryState<T>>
Stream the state of the query.
no setterinherited
unencodedKey Object
The original key.


close() Future<void>
Closes the stream and therefore starts the delete timer.
deleteQuery({bool deleteStorage = false}) → void
Delete the query and query key from cache
getNextPage() Future<InfiniteQueryState<T>?>
Get the next page in an InfiniteQuery and cache the result.
invalidateQuery() → void
Mark query as stale.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
refetch() Future<InfiniteQueryState<T>>
Refetch the query immediately.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
update(UpdateFunc<List<T>> updateFn) → void
Update the current InfiniteQuery data.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.