cached_query_flutter library


CachedQuery is a singleton that keeps track of all the cached queries
An observer to sent change events to the dev tools.
InfiniteQuery<T, Arg>
InfiniteQuery caches a series of Query's for use in an infinite list.
InfiniteQueryBuilder<T, A>
Listen to changed in an InfiniteQuery and build the ui with the result.
InfiniteQueryState holds the current state of an InfiniteQuery
Mutation<ReturnType, Arg>
Mutation is used to create, update and delete data from an asynchronous source.
MutationBuilder<T, A>
Listen to changes in an Mutation and build the ui with the result.
MutationConsumer<T, A>
Listen to changes in an Mutation and call the listener with the result.
MutationListener<T, A>
Listen to changes in an Mutation and call the listener with the result.
MutationState holds the current state of an InfiniteQuery.
Query is will fetch and cache the response of the queryFn.
QueryBase<T, State extends QueryState<T>>
An Interface for both Query and InfiniteQuery.
Listen to changes in an Mutation and build the ui with the result.
QueryConfig is used to configure a Query.
Query config including flutter options
Listen to changes in an Query and call the listener with the result.
Listen to changes in an Query and call the listener with the result.
An observer to log changes in queries and mutations.
Query Observer
QueryState holds the current state of a Query
An Interface for both QueryState and InfiniteQueryState.
An interface for any storage adapter.
The data stored in the database


Generic status of a query or mutation.
The reason the cache is being refetched.


CachedQueryExt on CachedQuery
Flutter specific extension on CachedQuery
QueryStatusExt on QueryStatus
Extension methods for QueryStatus


GetNextArg<T, Arg> = Arg? Function(InfiniteQueryState<T> state)
Determines the parameters of the next page in an infinite query.
InfiniteQueryBuilderCondition<T> = FutureOr<bool> Function(InfiniteQueryState<T> oldState, InfiniteQueryState<T> newState)
This function is being called everytime the query registered in the InfiniteQueryBuilder receives new updates and let's you control when the method should be called
InfiniteQueryBuilderFunc<T, A> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, InfiniteQueryState<T> state, InfiniteQuery<T, A> query)
The builder function is called on each widget build.
InfiniteQueryFunc<T, A> = Future<T> Function(A pageArgs)
The result of the InfiniteQueryFunc will be cached.
KeyFilterFunc = bool Function(Object unencodedKey, String key)
Used to match multiple queries.
MutationBuilderCallback<T, A> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, MutationState<T> state, Future<MutationState<T?>> mutate(A args))
Listen to changes in an Mutation and build the ui with the result.
MutationBuilderCondition<T> = FutureOr<bool> Function(MutationState<T> oldState, MutationState<T> newState)
This function is being called everytime the query registered in the MutationBuilder receives new updates and let's you control when the method should be called
MutationListenerCallback<T> = void Function(MutationState<T> state)
Called on each state change.
MutationListenerCondition<T> = FutureOr<bool> Function(MutationState<T> oldState, MutationState<T> newState)
This function is being called every time the mutation registered in the MutationListener receives new updates and let's you control when the MutationListenerCallback should be called
MutationQueryCallback<ReturnType, Arg> = Future<ReturnType> Function(Arg arg)
The asynchronous query function.
OnErrorCallback<Arg> = FutureOr<void> Function(Arg arg, Object error, Object? fallback)
Called when the queryFn as completed with an error.
OnQueryErrorCallback<T> = void Function(dynamic error)
On success is called when the query function is executed successfully.
OnQuerySuccessCallback<T> = void Function(T data)
On success is called when the query function is executed successfully.
OnStartMutateCallback<Arg> = FutureOr Function(Arg arg)
Called when Mutation has started.
OnSuccessCallback<T, Arg> = FutureOr<void> Function(T res, Arg arg)
Called when the queryFn as completed with no error.
QueryBuilderCallback<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, QueryState<T> state)
Called on each widget build.
QueryBuilderCondition<T> = FutureOr<bool> Function(QueryState<T> oldState, QueryState<T> newState)
This function is being called everytime the query registered in the QueryBuilder receives new updates and let's you control when the method should be called
QueryFunc<T> = Future<T> Function()
The result of the QueryFunc will be cached.
QueryListenerCallback<T> = void Function(QueryState<T> state)
Called on each state change.
QueryListenerCondition<T> = FutureOr<bool> Function(QueryState<T> oldState, QueryState<T> newState)
This function is being called every time the query registered in the QueryListener receives new updates and let's you control when the QueryListenerCallback should be called
Serializer = dynamic Function(dynamic json)
Used to serialize or deserialize the query from storage.
ShouldRefetch = bool Function(QueryBase query, bool afterStorage)
ShouldRefetch is called before a query is fetched, both after the data is fetched from storage and when a query is stale. This would usually not be necessary to use but can give a high level of control over when a query should be re-fetched. The second parameter (storageOnly) is true if the query has only been fetched from storage.
UpdateFunc<T> = T? Function(T? oldData)
Update function used to update the data in a query.
WhereCallback = bool Function(QueryBase query)
Should return true if a condition is met.