A new package for choosing colors. It is very powerful and supports all operating systems, including iPhone, Android, the web, and many platforms. It helps in direct access to colors.
_ Simple package helps you to use all colors to direct code and flexible and eazy use when use class it found over 100 colors
Support = [** Android , IOS and _WEB_(soon)
- Support All Platform in flutter
- Ease of use and flexibility in accessing colors directly
- It has a strong advantage, which is that it contains almost all colors
- It is also easy to use in any mobile project and supports all platforms
It is a very powerful package that includes around 140 colors and more. Its features include being filled with a wide variety of colors, being easy to use, and allowing developers to access the desired color through the MaterialColors class. It is also distinguished by its attractiveness across all colors.
Opt-in to the embedded views preview by adding a boolean property to the app's Info.plist
with the key io.flutter.embedded_views_preview
and the value YES
iOS (only support> 11.0) you need to add this line in your ios/Podfile
platform :ios, '11.0'
Getting Started
To use C_Material_Colors in your project, add the c_material package to pubspec.yaml:
dart pub add c_material or flutter pub add flex_color_scheme
import it
Import the package to use it:
import 'package:c_material/c_material.dart';
Usage :
Explaining of how to use this package
/// You Can use Any Widgets in flutter like this :
/// Container(
color: MaterialColors.blue;
/// )
/// But Note Very Important :
/// you can use class MaterialColors just type proberity class Color
/// Not use MaterialAllProberity ....

Usage Just Class Color Type Not Type Class WidgetStateProperty<Colors?>
/// You Can use Any Widgets in flutter like this :
/// Container(
color: MaterialColors.blue;
/// ),
/// Container(
color: MaterialColors.offWhite;
/// )
/// AppBar(
backgroundColor: MaterialColors.green
/// )
/// But Note Very Important :
/// you can use class MaterialColors just type proberity class Color
/// Not use MaterialAllProberity ....
Using Widgets in Flutter
/// Example :
/// Scaffold Widget => Scaffold(
backgroundColor: MaterialColors.red,
) ,
/// Card Widget => Card(
color: MaterialColors.blue ,
Notes :
/// The most important thing about the package is that it does not accept a class of type WidgetStateProperty because it has a different type; it only accepts the type Color. ///
Global access to Colors from any Project :
///If you need any thing from [Color Blue]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need any thing from [Color Red]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need any thing from [Color Yellow]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need use color black [Color Black]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need use color sandyBrown [Color Brown]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
Global access to All Colors
using class MaterialColors Class
///If you need any thing from [Color blanchedAlmond]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need any thing from [Color blueViolet]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need any thing from [Color cornflowerBlue]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need any thing from [Color chocolate]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need any thing from [Color saddleBrown]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need any thing from [Color fireBrick]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need any thing from [Color wheat]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need any thing from [Color darkGoldenrod]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need any thing from [Color lightBlue]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
///If you need any thing from [Color darkRed]
///you can use it MaterialColors class to access Many Colors :
Additional information Developer :
I hope this package helped you very well. If you need to contact with me:
Do not hesitate to contact me if you faced any problem.
Developer: Ammar Matarieh.
- c_material
- A library that provides a collection of material colors.