updateDisplay method

Future<void> updateDisplay(
  1. String uuid,
  2. String handle,
  3. String displayName, {
  4. HandleType handleType = HandleType.phoneNumber,

Use this to update the display after an outgoing call has started.

The uuid used for startCall or displayIncomingCall A handle e.g Phone number of the caller The displayName is the name of the caller to be displayed on the native UI A handleType which describes this handle see HandleType


Future<void> updateDisplay(String uuid, String handle, String displayName,
    {HandleType handleType = HandleType.phoneNumber}) async {
  if (!Platform.isIOS) {
  await _channel.invokeMethod<void>('updateDisplay', {
    "uuid": uuid,
    "handle": handle,
    "handleType": handleTypeToString(handleType),
    "displayName": displayName,