api/bytertc_video_event_handler library


RTCVideo event callback


OnActiveSpeakerType = void Function(String roomId, String uid)
roomId: ID of the room where the ActiveSpeaker stays
OnAudioDeviceStateChangedType = void Function(String deviceId, AudioDeviceType deviceType, MediaDeviceState deviceState, MediaDeviceError deviceError)
deviceId: Device ID
OnAudioDeviceWarningType = void Function(String deviceId, AudioDeviceType deviceType, MediaDeviceWarning deviceWarning)
deviceId: Device ID
OnAudioMixingPlayingProgressType = void Function(int mixId, int progress)
mixId: Audio mixing task ID.
OnAudioMixingStateChangedType = void Function(int mixId, AudioMixingState state, AudioMixingError error)
mixId: Audio mixing task ID.
OnAudioRecordingStateUpdateType = void Function(AudioRecordingState state, AudioRecordingErrorCode errorCode)
state: Recording state.
OnAudioRouteChangedType = void Function(AudioRoute route)
route: New audio playback routing
OnCloudProxyConnectedType = void Function(int interval)
interval: Time elapsed from enabling the cloud proxy to successful connection, in ms.
OnConnectionStateChanged = void Function(RTCConnectionState state)
state: Current connection status between SDK and signaling server.
OnCreateRoomStateChangedType = void Function(String roomId, int errorCode)
roomId: The ID of the room where the error occurred.
OnEchoTestResultType = void Function(EchoTestResult result)
result: Detection result.
OnErrorType = void Function(ErrorCode code)
code: Error code.
OnExtensionAccessErrorType = void Function(String extensionName, String msg)
extensionName: The name of extension.
OnFirstLocalAudioFrameType = void Function(StreamIndex index)
index: Type of the audio stream.
OnFirstLocalVideoFrameCapturedType = void Function(StreamIndex streamIndex, VideoFrameInfo videoFrameInfo)
streamIndex: Stream type.
OnFirstPublicStreamAudioFrameType = void Function(String publicStreamId)
publicStreamId: Public stream ID.
OnFirstPublicStreamVideoFrameDecodedType = void Function(String publicStreamId, VideoFrameInfo videoFrameInfo)
publicStreamId: Public stream ID.
OnFirstRemoteAudioFrameType = void Function(RemoteStreamKey streamKey)
streamKey: Information about the remote audio stream.
OnFirstRemoteVideoFrameRenderedType = void Function(RemoteStreamKey streamKey, VideoFrameInfo videoFrameInfo)
streamKey: Information about the remote stream.
OnGetPeerOnlineStatusType = void Function(String peerUid, UserOnlineStatus status)
peerUid: ID of the user to be queried.
OnHardwareEchoDetectionResultType = void Function(HardwareEchoDetectionResult result)
result: Callback that notifies you the result of the echo detection before a call.
OnHttpProxyStateType = void Function(int state)
state: Current HTTP proxy connection status.
OnHttpsProxyStateType = void Function(int state)
state: Current HTTPS proxy connection status.
OnLicenseWillExpireType = void Function(int days)
days: Expiration time in days.
OnLocalAudioPropertiesReportType = void Function(List<LocalAudioPropertiesInfo> audioPropertiesInfos)
audioPropertiesInfos: Local audio information.
OnLocalAudioStateChangedType = void Function(LocalAudioStreamState state, LocalAudioStreamError error)
state: Status of local audio device.
OnLocalProxyStateChangedType = void Function(LocalProxyType localProxyType, LocalProxyState localProxyState, LocalProxyError localProxyError)
localProxyType: Types of local proxy.
OnLocalVideoSizeChangedType = void Function(StreamIndex streamIndex, VideoFrameInfo videoFrameInfo)
streamIndex: Stream type.
OnLoginResultType = void Function(String uid, LoginErrorCode errorCode, int elapsed)
uid: ID of the logged-in user.
OnLogoutType = void Function(LogoutReason reason)
reason: The reason why users logout.
OnMediaFramePlayStateChangedType = void Function(String roomId, UserInfo userInfo, FirstFramePlayState state)
roomId: ID of the room which the stream publisher is in.
OnMediaFrameSendStateChangedType = void Function(String roomId, UserInfo userInfo, FirstFrameSendState state)
roomId: ID of the room from which the stream is published.
OnNetworkDetectionResultType = void Function(NetworkDetectionLinkType type, NetworkQuality quality, int rtt, double lostRate, int bitrate, int jitter)
type: Indicating the network is uplink or downlink.
OnNetworkDetectionStoppedType = void Function(NetworkDetectionStopReason reason)
reason: Reason for stopping detection.
OnNetworkTypeChangedType = void Function(NetworkType type)
type: Current network connection type.
OnPerformanceAlarmsType = void Function(PerformanceAlarmMode mode, String roomId, PerformanceAlarmReason reason, SourceWantedData data)
mode: Indicates whether publish fallback is enabled locally.
OnPlayPublicStreamResultType = void Function(String publicStreamId, PublicStreamErrorCode errorCode)
publicStreamId: Public stream ID.
OnPublicStreamDataMessageReceivedType = void Function(String publicStreamId, Uint8List message, DataMessageSourceType sourceType)
publicStreamId: Public stream ID.
OnPushPublicStreamResultType = void Function(String roomId, String publicStreamId, PublicStreamErrorCode errorCode)
roomId: ID of the room where the public stream is published.
OnRecordingProgressUpdateType = void Function(StreamIndex type, RecordingProgress progress, RecordingInfo info)
type: Types of recorded streams.
OnRecordingStateUpdateType = void Function(StreamIndex type, RecordingState state, RecordingErrorCode errorCode, RecordingInfo info)
type: Types of recorded streams.
OnRemoteAudioPropertiesReportType = void Function(List<RemoteAudioPropertiesInfo> audioPropertiesInfos, int totalRemoteVolume)
audioPropertiesInfos: Remote audio information.
OnRemoteVideoSizeChangedType = void Function(RemoteStreamKey streamKey, VideoFrameInfo videoFrameInfo)
streamKey: Remote stream information.
OnSEIMessageReceivedType = void Function(RemoteStreamKey streamKey, Uint8List message)
streamKey: Including the SEI sender's username, room name and media stream.
OnSEIStreamUpdateType = void Function(RemoteStreamKey streamKey, SEIStreamUpdateEvent event)
streamKey: Remote stream information.
OnServerMessageSendResultType = void Function(int msgid, UserMessageSendResult error, Uint8List message)
msgid: ID of this message.
OnServerParamsSetResultType = void Function(int error)
error: Setting result
OnSimulcastSubscribeFallbackType = void Function(RemoteStreamSwitch event)
event: Information on changes in audio and video streams.
OnSocks5ProxyStateType = void Function(int state, String cmd, String proxyAddress, String localAddress, String remoteAddress)
state: Current SOCKS5 proxy connection status.
OnStreamSyncInfoReceivedType = void Function(RemoteStreamKey streamKey, SyncInfoStreamType streamType, Uint8List data)
streamKey: Remote stream information.
OnUserOperateMediaCaptureType = void Function(String roomId, String uid)
roomId: The ID of the room where the remote user who enables/disables media capturing is in.
OnVideoDeviceStateChangedType = void Function(String deviceId, VideoDeviceType deviceType, MediaDeviceState deviceState, MediaDeviceError deviceError)
deviceId: Device ID
OnVideoDeviceWarningType = void Function(String deviceId, VideoDeviceType deviceType, MediaDeviceWarning deviceWarning)
deviceId: Device ID
OnWarningType = void Function(WarningCode code)
code: Warning code.