WarningCode enum
The warning code indicates that the SDK has encountered a problem and is trying to recover. It only serves as a notification.
- unknown → const WarningCode
Undefined warning code
- joinRoomFailed → const WarningCode
Failed to enter the room due to a server error. The SDK will automatically retry.
- publishStreamFailed → const WarningCode
Failed to publish streams due to a server error. The SDK will automatically retry.
- subscribeStreamFailed404 → const WarningCode
Failed to subscribe to streams. The target stream cannot be found.
The SDK will automatically retry the subscription and if it still fails you can quit and retry.
- subscribeStreamFailed5xx → const WarningCode
Failed to subscribe to streams due to a server error. The SDK will automatically retry.
- publishStreamForbidden → const WarningCode
Publishing stream after calling RTCRoom.setUserVisibility to set user visibility to false will trigger this warning.
- sendCustomMessage → const WarningCode
Failed to send custom broadcast message, because the local user is not in the room.
- receiveUserNotifyStop → const WarningCode
When the number of people in the room exceeds 500, the SDK will stop sending RTCRoomEventHandler.onUserJoined and RTCRoomEventHandler.onUserLeave callbacks to existing users in the room, and notify all users in the room via broadcast.
- userInPublish → const WarningCode
The user has already published a stream in another room, or the user is publishing a public stream now.
- roomIdAlreadyExist → const WarningCode
The room with the same roomId already exists.
- oldRoomBeenReplaced → const WarningCode
A new room with the same roomId has replaced the old one.
- inEchoTestMode → const WarningCode
Invalid call as an echo test is currently in progress.
- noCameraPermission → const WarningCode
The current app does not have access to the camera
- noMicrophonePermission → const WarningCode
The microphone permission is abnormal, and the current application does not obtain microphone permission.
- audioDeviceManagerRecordingStartFail → const WarningCode
The audio capture device failed to start.
Failed to start the audio capture device, the current device may be occupied by other applications.
- audioDeviceManagerPlayoutStartFail → const WarningCode
Audio playback device startup failure warning.
It may be due to insufficient system resources or wrong parameters.
- noRecordingDevice → const WarningCode
No audio acquisition equipment available.
Failed to start the audio capture device, please insert the available audio capture device.
- noPlayoutDevice → const WarningCode
No audio playback device available.
Failed to start the audio playback device, please insert the available audio playback device.
- recordingSilence → const WarningCode
The current audio equipment has not collected valid sound data, please check and replace the audio acquisition equipment.
- mediaDeviceOperationDenied → const WarningCode
Media device misoperation warning.
- setScreenAudioSourceTypeFailed → const WarningCode
Switching screen audio capture source after calling RTCRoom.publishScreen is not allowed.
- setScreenAudioStreamIndexFailed → const WarningCode
Setting up the screen audio sharing type with RTCVideo.setScreenAudioStreamIndex after calling RTCRoom.publishScreen is not allowed.
- invalidVoicePitch → const WarningCode
Invalid pitch value.
- invalidCallForExtAudio → const WarningCode
Mixed use of old and new APIs for external audio sources.
- invalidCanvasHandle → const WarningCode
Applies to iOS. The specified internal rendering canvas handle is invalid.
- invalidSamiAppKeyOrToken → const WarningCode
Authorization failure for BytePlus Audio SDK. Contact the technical supporters.
- invalidSamiResourcePath → const WarningCode
Failure to get the resource for BytePlus Audio SDK. Input the right DAT path or contact the technical supporters.
- loadSamiLibraryFailed → const WarningCode
Failure to load the library for BytePlus Audio SDK. Use right library or contact the technical supporters.
- invalidSamiEffectType → const WarningCode
The audio effect is not supported by BytePlus Audio SDK. Contact the technical supporters.
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- index → int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
- name → String
Available on Enum, provided by the EnumName extension
The name of the enum value.no setter - runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
→ const List<
WarningCode> - A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.