insert method
Future<int> insert(Message message) async {
// FIXME: 暂不支持web
if (BytedeskUtils.isWeb) {
return 0;
String currentUid = SpUtil.getString(BytedeskConstants.VISITOR_UID)!;
// Check if a message with the same uid already exists
List<Map> maps = await database!.query("$tableMessage",
columns: [columnId!],
where: "$columnUid = ?",
whereArgs: [message.uid]);
if (maps.isNotEmpty) {
// A message with the same uid already exists, so we can update it
// await update(message.uid, message.status);
return 0; // or return the id of the updated message
// debugPrint('insert avatar:' + message.avatar + ' conten:' + message.content + ' timestamp:' + message.timestamp);
return await database!.insert(tableMessage!, message.toMap(currentUid));