ButterWidgetPadding extension



paddingAll(double padding) Padding

Available on Widget, provided by the ButterWidgetPadding extension

Adds padding around the widget. EdgeInsets.all() is used to create the padding.
paddingFromLTRB(double l, double t, double r, double b) Padding

Available on Widget, provided by the ButterWidgetPadding extension

Adds padding around the widget. EdgeInsets.only() is used to create the padding.
paddingOnly({double top = 0, double bottom = 0, double left = 0, double right = 0}) Padding

Available on Widget, provided by the ButterWidgetPadding extension

Adds padding around the widget. EdgeInsets.symmetric() is used to create the padding.
paddingSymmetric({double horizontal = 0, double vertical = 0}) Padding

Available on Widget, provided by the ButterWidgetPadding extension

Adds padding around the widget. EdgeInsets.symmetric() is used to create the padding.