waitUntilAction method

Future<TestInfo<St>> waitUntilAction(
  1. ReduxAction<St> action, {
  2. int timeoutInSeconds = defaultTimeout,

Runs until the exact given action is dispatched, and then waits until it finishes. Returns the info after the action finishes. Ignores other actions.

Example use:

var action = MyAction(); storeTester.dispatch(action); await storeTester.waitUntilAction(action);


Future<TestInfo<St>> waitUntilAction(
  ReduxAction<St> action, {
  int timeoutInSeconds = defaultTimeout,
}) async {
  TestInfo<St>? testInfo;

  while (testInfo == null || testInfo.action != action || testInfo.isINI) {
    testInfo = await _next(timeoutInSeconds: timeoutInSeconds);

  lastInfo = testInfo;

  return testInfo;