BufferImage class

An image object, pixel data stored in a Uint8List



BufferImage(dynamic width, dynamic height)
create BufferImage with specified with and height


buffer Uint8List
the color data of this image
no setter
bytePerPixel int
no setteroverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height int
no setteroverride
pixels List<int>
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
width int
no setteroverride


clip(int newWidth, int newHeight, [int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0]) → void
Clip the image to newWidth & newHeight from Offset(offsetX, offsetY)
clipPath(Path path, {bool doAntiAlias = true}) Future<void>
Clip this image with path, use a Canvas render
copy() BufferImage
A copy of this BufferImage
drawIcon(IconData icon, double size, Offset offset, Color color, [BlendMode mode = BlendMode.srcOver]) Future<void>
drawImage(BufferImage image, Offset offset, [BlendMode mode = BlendMode.srcOver]) → void
Draw the image on this image at offset, use the mode
drawPath(Path path, Color color, {BlendMode mode = BlendMode.srcOver, PaintingStyle style = PaintingStyle.fill, double strokeWidth = 0}) Future<void>
Draw the path on this image, use a Canvas render
drawRect(Rect rect, Color color, [BlendMode mode = BlendMode.srcOver]) → void
Draw a rect on this image with color, use the mode
drawText(String text, TextStyle style, Offset offset, [BlendMode mode = BlendMode.srcOver]) Future<void>
getChannel(int x, int y, [ImageChannel? channel]) int
getChannelSafe(int x, int y, [int? defaultValue, ImageChannel? channel]) int
getColor(int x, int y) Color
get the Color at Offset(x, y)
getColorSafe(int x, int y, [Color? defaultColor = const Color(0x00ffffff)]) Color
get the Color at Offset(x, y) with out error
getImage() Future<Image>
Get the Image Object from this image
getOffset(int x, int y) int
inverse() → void
inverse phase
mask(Color color, [BlendMode mode = BlendMode.color]) → void
Mask the image with color use mode(see BlendMode)
maskImage(BufferImage image, [BlendMode mode = BlendMode.color, Point<int>? offset, int repeat = RepeatMode.repeatAll]) → void
Mask the image with another image use mode(see BlendMode)
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
resize(double ratio, [SampleMode sample = SampleMode.nearest]) → void
scale by ratio width sample
resizeTo(int newWidth, int newHeight, [SampleMode sample = SampleMode.nearest]) → void
scale to specified size (newWidth and newHeight) with sample
rotate(double radian, {bool isAntialias = true, SampleMode sample = SampleMode.bilinear, Color bgColor = const Color.fromARGB(0, 255, 255, 255), bool isClip = false}) → void
Rotate image by the specified radian, The blank area is filled with the specified bgColor If isClip, hold the old width & height (clip the image data out of canvas) Else adjust the canvas to fit the rotated image isAntialias not implemented
scaleDown(double scale) → void
zoom out an image. calc the avg channels of the colors in area as the new color
setChannel(int x, int y, int value, [ImageChannel? channel]) → void
setChannelSafe(int x, int y, int value, [ImageChannel? channel]) → void
setColor(int x, int y, Color color) → void
set the Color at Offset(x, y)
setColorSafe(int x, int y, Color color) → void
set Color at Offset(x, y) without error
toGray([GrayScale? grayScale]) GrayImage
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

fromFile(Uint8List fileData) Future<BufferImage?>
load image from a image fileData use system codec(decodeImageFromList)
fromGray(GrayImage grayImage) BufferImage
fromImage(Image image) Future<BufferImage>
load data from an Image