Broadcast Bloc

build coverage pub package style: very good analysis License: MIT

An extension to the bloc state management library which adds support for broadcasting state changes to stream channels.

Quick Start 🚀

// Extend `BroadcastCubit` instead of `Cubit`.
// The package also exports:
// * `BroadcastBloc`
// * `BroadcastMixin`
class CounterCubit extends BroadcastCubit<int> {
  CounterCubit() : super(0);

  void increment() => emit(state + 1);

void main() {
  final controller = StreamController<String>(sync: true);
  final subscription =;
  final channel = StreamChannel(, controller.sink);

  // Create an instance of the cubit.
  final cubit = CounterCubit()
    // Subscribe the channel.
    // Trigger a state change which will be broadcast to subscribed channels.
    // Unsubscribe channel.



An extension to the bloc state management library which adds support for broadcasting state changes to stream channels.