endpoint property

String? endpoint

Callback to produce a REST path from a Query. An instance argument is provided only when it is available to the invoking repository method (i.e. upsert or delete).

This must be a string to maintain const-ability of the annotation. It should adhere to the standard of RestEndpointCallback and include a line termination (; or }).


({Query query, Model instance}) {
  if (query.providerArgs['limit'] == 1) {
    return "person/${query.providerArgs['id']}";

  return "people";

Should be included as

endpoint: r"""{
  if (query.providerArgs['limit'] == 1) {
    return "person/${query.providerArgs['id']}";

  return "people";

This function will serve all remote commands from the repository. To determine which is being invoked, use query.action.

This field is copied to the Adapter.


final String? endpoint;