where property

Map<String, String>? where

This field is an association that is also an OfflineFirstModel and can be queried. The key is the association's SQLite column name and the value is the remote provider key with data. If the field type is an Iterable, the map requires the field value to be an Iterable.

For example, given an API: {"classField" : true, "assoc": { "id": 12345 }},

@OfflineFirst(where: {'id' : "data['assoc']['id']"})
final Assoc assoc;

Or given a list: {"classField" : true, "assoc": { "ids": [12345, 6789] }}

@OfflineFirst(where: {'id' : "data['assoc']['ids']"})
final List<Assoc> assocs;

If where is not defined for an association, Brick will attempt to instantiate the association from the data in the payload. When where is included, the field will not be generated for the serializer of the remote provider unless toGenerator is defined or only one pair is defined.


final Map<String, String>? where;