storeRemoteResults<TModel extends RepositoryModel> method

  1. @protected
  2. @visibleForTesting
Future<List<TModel>> storeRemoteResults<TModel extends RepositoryModel>(
  1. List<TModel> models, {
  2. bool shouldNotify = true,

Save response results to SQLite.

When true, shouldNotify will check if any subscribers of TModel are affected by the new models. See notifySubscriptionsWithLocalData.


Future<List<TModel>> storeRemoteResults<TModel extends RepositoryModel>(
  List<TModel> models, {
  bool shouldNotify = true,
}) async {
  final modelIds = => sqliteProvider.upsert<TModel>(m, repository: this));
  final results = await Future.wait<int?>(modelIds, eagerError: true);

  MapEntry modelWithPrimaryKey(index, id) {
    final model = models[index];
    model.primaryKey = id;
    return MapEntry(index, model);

  final savedResults = results.asMap().map(modelWithPrimaryKey).values.toList().cast<TModel>();
  if (shouldNotify) await notifySubscriptionsWithLocalData<TModel>();
  return savedResults;