BradyFlutterPluginPlatform class abstract

  • Object
  • PlatformInterface
  • BradyFlutterPluginPlatform


Constructs a BradyFlutterPluginPlatform.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


checkForPartMismatch() Future<bool?>
checkForPartMismatch() returns a Boolean representing if the selected template was not designed with the supply that is installed in the connected printer.
connectToBluetoothPrinter(String? printer) Future<bool?>
connectToBluetoothPrinter(String) attempts to connect to a printer via Bluetooth Low Energy whose name is passed into the method. This is asynchronous and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the connection (i.e. success or failure).
connectToWifiPrinter(String? printer) Future<bool?>
connectToWifiPrinter(String) attempts to connect to a printer via Wi-Fi whose name is passed into the method. This is asynchronous and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the connection (i.e. success or failure).
cut() Future<bool?>
cut() asynchronously makes the connected printer perform a cut operation (this can be called right after feed() for testing purposes) and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the cut operation (i.e. success or failure).
disconnect() Future<bool?>
disconnect() asynchronously disconnects from the currently connected printer and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the disconnect operation (i.e. success or failure).
disconnectWithoutForget() Future<bool?>
disconnectWithoutForget() asynchronously disconnects from the currently connected printer and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the disconnect operation (i.e. success or failure).
feed() Future<bool?>
feed() asynchronously makes the connected printer print one empty label and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the feed operation(i.e. success or failure).
forgetLastConnectedPrinter() → void
forgetLastConnectedPrinter() clears the value of "LastConnectedPrinterName internally preventing auto-connections.
getAvailablePrinterUpdates() Future<List<String?>>
getAvailablePrinterUpdates() returns a list of string representing all printer updates that occurred since the last time this method was called.
getBatteryLevelPercentage() Future<int?>
getBatteryLevelPercentage() returns a String representing the battery level percentage of the connected printer.
getConnectionType() Future<String?>
getConnectionType() returns a String representing the protocol that was used to connect to the printer.
getHaveOwnership() Future<bool?>
getHaveOwnership() returns a Boolean representing the mobile device's ownership of a nearby M211.
getIsAcConnected() Future<bool?>
getIsAcConnected() returns a Boolean representing if the connect printer is charging.
getIsSupplyPreSized() Future<bool?>
getIsSupplyPreSized() returns a Boolean representing if the supply installed in the connected printer is pre-sized. If false, the supply is continuous.
getLastConnectedPrinterName() Future<String?>
getLastConnectedPrinterName() returns a String representing the name of the last printer that the app connected to.
getPreview(int elementSize) Future<String?>
getPreview(Int) takes an Integer that represents the width in screen pixels that the print preview should display as (on the UI).
getPrinterModel() Future<String?>
getPrinterModel() returns a String representing the current connected printer's model.
getPrinterName() Future<String?>
getPrinterName() returns a String representing the current connected printer's name.
getPrinters() Future<List<String?>>
getPrinters() returns a List of Strings representing the printer names that have been discovered via the discovery scan.
getPrinterStatus() Future<String?>
getPrinterStatus() returns a String representing the current printer connection status.
getPrinterStatusMessage() Future<String?>
getPrinterStatusMessage() returns a String representing the current printer connection status message.
getPrinterStatusMessageTitle() Future<String?>
getPrinterStatusMessageTitle() returns a String representing the current printer connection status message title.
getPrinterStatusRemedyExplanationMessage() Future<String?>
getPrinterStatusRemedyExplanationMessage() returns a String representing a solution to resolve the current printer error if there is one.
getSupplyHeight() Future<double?>
getSupplyHeight() returns a String representing the height of the supply installed in the connected printer.
getSupplyName() Future<String?>
getSupplyName() returns a String representing the supply installed in the connected printer.
getSupplyRemainingPercentage() Future<int?>
getSupplyRemainingPercentage() returns a String representing the percentage of supply remaining in the connected printer
getSupplyWidth() Future<double?>
getSupplyWidth() returns a String representing the width of the supply installed in the connected printer.
getTemplateDataNames() Future<List<String?>>
getTemplateDataNames returns all object names on the current template.
getTemplateSupplyName() Future<String?>
getTemplateSupplyName() returns the name of the supply that used to design the selected template
isPrinterBluetooth(String printerName) Future<bool?>
isPrinterBluetooth(String) takes the name of a discovered printer and checks if it was discovered by the Bluetooth Scan
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
print(int copies, bool cutAfterEachLabel, bool isCollated, bool printTrailer) Future<bool?>
print() asynchronously sends a print job of the currently set template to the printer that the app is currently connected to and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the print operation (i.e. success or failure).
printBitmapWithDimensions(double bitmapWidthInInches, double labelLengthInInches, int copies, bool cutAfterEachLabel, bool isCollated, bool printTrailer) Future<bool?>
printBitmapWithDimensions() asynchronously sends a print job of the currently set template or bitmap image to the printer that the app is currently connected to and returns a Boolean value afterwards with the result of the print operation (i.e. success or failure).
setPlaceholderValue(String placeholder, String value) → void
setPlaceholderValue(String, String) takes two Strings to set a placeholder with a specified value.
setTemplate(String filePath) Future<void>
setTemplate(String) takes a file path (i.e. 'assets/MyTemplate.BWT' or 'assets/MyImage.PNG') as a string representing a template file or image.
startBlePrinterDiscovery() → void
startBlePrinterDiscovery() starts the Bluetooth scan for nearby Brady Printers. All of the details about these devices are stored internally and can be retrieved using the getPrinters() API method.
startWifiPrinterDiscovery() → void
startWifiPrinterDiscovery() starts the Wifi scan for nearby Brady Printers. All of the details about these devices are stored internally and can be retrieved using the getPrinters() API method.
stopPrinterDiscovery() → void
stopPrinterDiscovery() stops all discovery scans that were previously started.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance BradyFlutterPluginPlatform
The default instance of BradyFlutterPluginPlatform to use.
getter/setter pair