RenderBoxAxisUtil extension

Extension on RenderBox that provides various directional utilities.



getMaxIntrinsicAxis(Axis axis, double cross) double

Available on RenderBox, provided by the RenderBoxAxisUtil extension

Returns the smallest extent on axis beyond which increasing the extent never decreases the preferred cross extent. The preferred cross extent is the value that would be returned by getMinIntrinsicCrossAxis for that main extent.
getMaxIntrinsicCrossAxis(Axis axis, double main) double

Available on RenderBox, provided by the RenderBoxAxisUtil extension

Returns the smallest cross extent on axis beyond which increasing the cross extent never decreases the preferred main extent. The preferred main extent is the value that would be returned by getMinIntrinsicAxis for that cross extent.
getMinIntrinsicAxis(Axis axis, double cross) double

Available on RenderBox, provided by the RenderBoxAxisUtil extension

Returns the minimum extent on axis that this box could be without failing to correctly paint its contents within itself, without clipping.
getMinIntrinsicCrossAxis(Axis axis, double main) double

Available on RenderBox, provided by the RenderBoxAxisUtil extension

Returns the minimum extent crossing axis that this box could be without failing to correctly paint its contents within itself, without clipping.