BoxConstraintsAxisUtil extension

Extension on BoxConstraints that provides various axis-dependant utilities.



axisConstraints(Axis axis) BoxConstraints
Returns box constraints with the same axis constraints but with an unconstrained cross axis.
constrainAxis(Axis axis, [double extent = double.infinity]) double
Returns the value that both satisfies the constraints and is as close as possible to the given extent on axis.
constrainAxisDimensions(Axis axis, double cross, double main) Size
Returns the size that both satisfies the constraints and is as close as possible to the given cross and main size.
constrainCrossAxis(Axis axis, [double extent = double.infinity]) double
Returns the value that both satisfies the constraints and is as close as possible to the given extent crossing axis.
copyWithAxis(Axis axis, {double? minCross, double? maxCross, double? minMain, double? maxMain}) BoxConstraints
Creates a copy of this box constraints but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
crossAxisConstraints(Axis axis) BoxConstraints
Returns box constraints with the same cross axis constraints but with an unconstrained main axis.
hasBoundedAxis(Axis axis) bool
Whether there is an upper bound on the maximum extent of the given axis.
hasBoundedCrossAxis(Axis axis) bool
Whether there is an upper bound on the maximum extent crossing the given axis.
hasInfiniteAxis(Axis axis) bool
Whether the constraint for the given axis is infinite.
hasInfiniteCrossAxis(Axis axis) bool
Whether the constraint crossing the given axis is infinite.
hasTightAxis(Axis axis) bool
Whether there is exactly one value that satisfies the constraints on the given axis.
hasTightCrossAxis(Axis axis) bool
Whether there is exactly one value that satisfies the constraints crossing the given axis.
maxAxis(Axis axis) double
The maximum value that satisfies the constraints on the given axis.
maxCrossAxis(Axis axis) double
The maximum value that satisfies the constraints crossing the given axis.
minAxis(Axis axis) double
The minimum value that satisfies the constraints on the given axis.
minCrossAxis(Axis axis) double
The minimum value that satisfies the constraints crossing the given axis.
tightenAxis(Axis axis, {double? cross, double? main}) BoxConstraints
Returns new box constraints with a tight main and/or cross axes.

Static Methods

create(Axis axis, {double minCross = 0.0, double maxCross = double.infinity, double minMain = 0.0, double maxMain = double.infinity}) BoxConstraints
Creates box constraints with the given constraints.
expand(Axis axis, {double? cross, double? main}) BoxConstraints
Creates box constraints that expand to fill another box constraints.
tightFor(Axis axis, {double? cross, double? main}) BoxConstraints
Creates box constraints that require the given cross or main size.
tightForFinite(Axis axis, {double cross = double.infinity, double main = double.infinity}) BoxConstraints
Creates box constraints that require the given cross or main size, except if they are infinite.