AxisDirectionUtil extension

Extension on AxisDirection that provides various directional utilities.



axis Axis
Gets the vertical or horizontal Axis of this direction.
no setter
ccw AxisDirection
Gets the direction counter-clockwise to this one.
no setter
crossAxis Axis
Gets the vertical or horizontal cross Axis of this direction.
no setter
cw AxisDirection
Gets the direction clockwise to this one.
no setter
isForward bool
Whether this direction is the forward direction of axis.
no setter
isReverse bool
Whether this direction is opposite of the forward direction of axis.
no setter
reversed AxisDirection
Gets the reverse of this direction.
no setter


operator +(AxisDirection direction) AxisDirection
Rotates this direction, where AxisDirection.up is the origin.
operator -(AxisDirection direction) AxisDirection
Counter rotates this direction, where AxisDirection.up is the origin.