render_boxy library
This library contains the guts of CustomBoxy, useful if you want to integrate a custom render protocol.
In most cases digging this deep is not necessary, consider using the CustomBoxy widget directly.
LayoutData extends Object, ChildHandleType extends BaseBoxyChild> - Base class for delegates that control the layout and paint of multiple children.
ChildType extends RenderObject> - Base class for the ParentData provided by RenderBoxyMixin clients.
- BoxyParentData
- The ParentData used for RenderBox children of CustomBoxy.
ChildHandleType extends BaseBoxyChild> - The RenderObject of CustomBoxy, delegates control of layout to a BoxyDelegate.
ChildHandleType extends BaseBoxyChild> - The RenderObject of CustomBoxy, delegates control of layout to a BoxyDelegate.
- SliverBoxyParentData
- The ParentData used for RenderSliver children of CustomBoxy.
LayoutData extends Object, ChildHandleType extends BaseBoxyChild> - Mixin for the logic shared by BoxBoxyDelegate and BoxyDelegate.
ChildType extends RenderObject, ParentDataType extends BaseBoxyParentData< ChildType> , ChildHandleType extends BaseBoxyChild> - Base mixin of CustomBoxy's RenderObject logic, this extends InflatingRenderObjectMixin to manage a BaseBoxyDelegate delegate.
Exceptions / Errors
DelegateType extends BaseBoxyDelegate< Object, BaseBoxyChild> > - An error that indicates BaseBoxyDelegate.inflate was called during a dry layout.
- CannotLayoutSliverError
- An error that indicates SliverBoxyChild.layout was called during a dry layout.