bottom_sheet library


Flexible and scrollable bottom sheet.
Delegate for configuring a SliverPersistentHeader.
A modal route with flexible bottom sheet.


showFlexibleBottomSheet<T>({required BuildContext context, required FlexibleDraggableScrollableWidgetBuilder builder, DraggableScrollableController? draggableScrollableController, double? minHeight, double? initHeight, double? maxHeight, bool isCollapsible = true, bool isDismissible = true, bool isExpand = true, bool useRootNavigator = false, bool isModal = true, List<double>? anchors, Color? keyboardBarrierColor, Color? bottomSheetColor, BorderRadiusGeometry? bottomSheetBorderRadius, Color? barrierColor, Duration? duration, bool isSafeArea = false, BoxDecoration? decoration, bool useRootScaffold = true}) Future<T?>
Shows a flexible bottom sheet.
showStickyFlexibleBottomSheet<T>({required BuildContext context, required FlexibleDraggableScrollableHeaderWidgetBuilder headerBuilder, required FlexibleDraggableScrollableWidgetBodyBuilder bodyBuilder, DraggableScrollableController? draggableScrollableController, double? minHeight, double? initHeight, double? maxHeight, bool isCollapsible = true, bool isDismissible = true, bool isExpand = true, bool useRootNavigator = false, bool isModal = true, List<double>? anchors, double? minHeaderHeight, double? maxHeaderHeight, double? headerHeight, Decoration? decoration, Color? keyboardBarrierColor, Color? bottomSheetColor, BorderRadiusGeometry? bottomSheetBorderRadius, Color? barrierColor, Duration? duration, bool isSafeArea = false, bool useRootScaffold = true}) Future<T?>
Shows a flexible bottom sheet with the ability to scroll content even without a list.


FlexibleDraggableScrollableHeaderWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, double bottomSheetOffset)
The signature of the method that provides BuildContext and bottomSheetOffset for determining the position of the BottomSheet relative to the upper border of the screen. bottomSheetOffset - fractional value of offset.
FlexibleDraggableScrollableWidgetBodyBuilder = SliverChildDelegate Function(BuildContext context, double bottomSheetOffset)
The signature of a method that provides a BuildContext and bottomSheetOffset for determining the position of the BottomSheet relative to the upper border of the screen. bottomSheetOffset - fractional value of offset.
FlexibleDraggableScrollableWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ScrollController scrollController, double bottomSheetOffset)
The signature of a method that provides a BuildContext and ScrollController for building a widget that may overflow the draggable Axis of the containing FlexibleDraggableScrollSheet.