computePackageDependencyCorrection function

Iterable<PackageDependency> computePackageDependencyCorrection(
  1. Iterable<PackageDependency> deps,
  2. Iterable<PackageDependency> references

Given the collection of actual package dependencies (deps) and the reference dependencies (references), this function determines delta between the two collections and returns package versions to be used as package dependencies instead of the ones used in deps to make it consistent with references.

This function is intended to calculate correction to a package configuration to make it consistent with other packages in a Dart mono repository.

In case deps is already consistent with references, the empty set is returned.


Iterable<PackageDependency> computePackageDependencyCorrection(
  Iterable<PackageDependency> deps,
  Iterable<PackageDependency> references,
) => => _correctDependencyType(ref, deps)).where(
          (ref) =>
              deps.any((dep) => dep.package() == ref.package() && dep != ref),