borg library


Data class to capture usage of a dependency by multiple Dart packages.


computePackageDependencyCorrection(Iterable<PackageDependency> deps, Iterable<PackageDependency> references) Iterable<PackageDependency>
Given the collection of actual package dependencies (deps) and the reference dependencies (references), this function determines delta between the two collections and returns package versions to be used as package dependencies instead of the ones used in deps to make it consistent with references.
copyWithPackageDependenciesFromReference(Iterable<PackageDependency> deps, Iterable<PackageDependency> references) Iterable<PackageDependency>
Given the collections of actual package dependencies (deps) and the reference dependencies (references), this function copies deps and for every dependency version different from references, it takes the one from references.
findInconsistentDependencies(Map<String, PubspecLock> pubspecLocks) List<DependencyUsageReport<PackageDependency>>
Finds inconsistent set of external dependencies in the provided set of pubspec.lock content and generates report on inconsistent package usage. As analysis focuses on consistency of external dependencies, consistency of path dependencies is ignored. However, if a dependency is specified by a mix of path and other dependency types in different pubspec.yaml files, this case is reported as inconsistency.
findInconsistentDependencySpecs(Map<String, PubspecYaml> pubspecYamls) List<DependencyUsageReport<PackageDependencySpec>>
Finds inconsistent set of external dependency specifications in the provided set of pubspec.yaml content and generates report on inconsistent references. As analysis focuses on consistency of external dependencies, consistency of path dependencies is ignored. However, if a dependency is specified by a mix of path and other dependency types in different pubspec.yaml files, this case is reported as inconsistency.
getAllExternalPackageDependencySpecs(Iterable<PubspecYaml> pubspecYamls) Iterable<PackageDependencySpec>
This function returns all package dependency specifications used in a collection of pubspec.yaml files.