runGuarded function

Future<List<GuardResult>> runGuarded(
  1. Iterable<Future Function(CancellationToken?)> actions, {
  2. ExecutionMode executionMode = ExecutionMode.Concurrent,
  3. CancellationToken? cancel,

Executes multiple async functions concurrent while catching every result or error that is thrown.

The resulting list contains GuardResult objects which describe the result of the execution of each function. The list is created in the order of the termination of the functions, not necessarily in the same order as the actions iterable.


Future<List<GuardResult>> runGuarded(
    Iterable<Future Function(CancellationToken?)> actions,
    {ExecutionMode executionMode = ExecutionMode.Concurrent,
    CancellationToken? cancel}) async {
  final tasks = <Future>[];
  final results = <GuardResult>[];

  var skipResults = false;
  for (final action in actions) {
    try {
      final future = action(cancel);
      switch (executionMode) {
        case ExecutionMode.Serial:
          results.add(GuardResult(result: await future.cancelOn(cancel)));
        case ExecutionMode.Concurrent:
              .then((value) => results.add(GuardResult(result: value)))
              .catchError((e, stack) =>
                  results.add(GuardResult(error: e, stackTrace: stack))));
    } catch (e, stack) {
      results.add(GuardResult(error: e, stackTrace: stack));

  if (!skipResults) {
    await Future.wait(tasks).cancelOn(cancel);

  return results;