boost library


App configuration parsed from environment variables and command line arguments.
Describes the execution result of a function inside the runGuarded function.
A Lazy can be used to only initialize a value if it is required.
A semaphore prevents asynchronous code from being executed simultaneously.
Triple<Ta, Tb, Tc>
Structure for holding three values of independent types.
Tuple<Ta, Tb>
Structure for holding two values of independent types.
A utility class for checking type parameters.
Represents a Version consisting of numeric parts, starting with the most significant part.


Apply on T
CancelableFuture on Future<T>
IntListExtension on List<int>
IntListStreamExtension on Stream<List<int>>
IterableExtension on Iterable<TValue>
ListExtension on List<TValue>
NullableIterableExtension on Iterable<TValue?>
TripleIterableExtension on Iterable<Triple<Ta, Tb, Tc>>
Extensions for Iterables of type Triple.
TupleIterableExtension on Iterable<Tuple<Ta, Tb>>
Extensions for Iterables of type Tuple.
Uint8ListExtension on Uint8List


clamp<T extends num>(T value, T min, T max) → T
Clamps a value between a inclusive minimum and inclusive maximum.
findEnum<TEnum extends Enum>(String value, List<TEnum> values, {bool ignoreCase = false}) → TEnum
Finds and returns the enum value which matches with the given string value.
isNull(dynamic e) bool
notNull(dynamic e) bool
nullOrEmpty(String? source) bool
Returns true if string is either null or empty.
nullOrWhitespace(String? source) bool
Returns true if string is either null or entirely whitespace.
round<T extends num>(T value, [int digits = 0]) double
Rounds to given digit count.
runGuarded(Iterable<Future Function(CancellationToken?)> actions, {ExecutionMode executionMode = ExecutionMode.Concurrent, CancellationToken? cancel}) Future<List<GuardResult>>
Executes multiple async functions concurrent while catching every result or error that is thrown.
toDegrees(num radians) double
Converts radians to degrees.
toRadians(num degrees) double
Converts degrees to radians.
tryFindEnum<TEnum extends Enum>(String value, List<TEnum> values, {bool ignoreCase = false}) → TEnum?
Finds and returns the enum value which matches with the given string value.

Exceptions / Errors

Base class for boost exceptions.