RotationEnemyExtensions extension
{required dynamic positioned(Player), BoolCallback? notObserved, double radiusVision = 32, double? minDistanceCellsFromPlayer, bool runOnlyVisibleInScreen = true}) → void -
Available on RotationEnemy, provided by the RotationEnemyExtensions extension
Checks whether the player is within range. If so, move to it. -
{required dynamic closePlayer(Player), BoolCallback? notObserved, double radiusVision = 32, double margin = 10, bool runOnlyVisibleInScreen = true}) → void -
Available on RotationEnemy, provided by the RotationEnemyExtensions extension
Checks whether the player is within range. If so, move to it. -
{required Future< SpriteAnimation> animationRight, required double damage, required Vector2 size, int? id, bool withPush = true, double? radAngleDirection, VoidCallback? execute, int interval = 1000, double marginFromCenter = 16, Vector2? centerOffset}) → void -
Available on RotationEnemy, provided by the RotationEnemyExtensions extension
Execute simple attack melee using animation -
{required Future< SpriteAnimation> animation, required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationDestroy, required Vector2 size, Vector2? destroySize, double? radAngleDirection, int? id, double speed = 150, double damage = 1, int interval = 1000, bool withDecorationCollision = true, VoidCallback? onDestroy, ShapeHitbox? collision, VoidCallback? onExecute, LightingConfig? lightingConfig, Vector2? centerOffset, double marginFromOrigin = 16}) → void -
Available on RotationEnemy, provided by the RotationEnemyExtensions extension
Execute the ranged attack using a component with animation