update method

void update(
  1. double dt


void update(double dt) {
  if (_dragPosition == null ||
      _rectBackgroundDirection == null ||
      _rect == null) {
  if (_dragging) {
    final radAngle = atan2(
      _dragPosition!.dy - _rectBackgroundDirection!.center.dy,
      _dragPosition!.dx - _rectBackgroundDirection!.center.dx,

    // Distance between the center of joystick background & drag position
    final centerPosition = _rectBackgroundDirection!.center.toVector2();
    final dragPosition = _dragPosition!.toVector2();
    var dist = centerPosition.distanceTo(dragPosition);

    // The maximum distance for the knob position the edge of
    // the background + half of its own size. The knob can wander in the
    // background image, but not outside.
    dist = min(dist, _tileSize);

    // Calculation the knob position
    final nextX = dist * cos(radAngle);
    final nextY = dist * sin(radAngle);
    final nextPoint = Offset(nextX, nextY);

    final diff = Offset(
          _rectBackgroundDirection!.center.dx + nextPoint.dx,
          _rectBackgroundDirection!.center.dy + nextPoint.dy,
        ) -
    _rect = _rect!.shift(diff);

    final intensity = dist / _tileSize;

        id: actionId,
        event: ActionEvent.MOVE,
        intensity: intensity,
        radAngle: radAngle,
  } else {
    final diff = _dragPosition! - _rect!.center;
    _rect = _rect!.shift(diff);