GameComponentExtensions extension



bottom double
no setter
left double
no setter
no setter
top double
no setter


addParticle(Particle particle, {Vector2? position, Vector2? size, Vector2? scale, double? angle, Anchor? anchor, int? priority, ComponentKey? key}) → void
Used to add particles in your component.
directionThePlayerIsIn() Direction?
generateValues(Duration duration, {double begin = 0.0, double end = 1.0, Curve curve = Curves.linear, Curve? reverseCurve, bool autoStart = true, bool infinite = false, VoidCallback? onFinish, ValueChanged<double>? onChange}) ValueGeneratorComponent
Used to generate numbers to create your animations or anythings
getAngleFromTarget(GameComponent target) double
Get angle between this comp to target
getComponentDirectionFromMe(GameComponent comp) Direction
globalToViewportPosition(Offset position) Offset
loadCameraParallaxComponent(Iterable<ParallaxData> dataList, {Vector2? baseVelocity, Vector2? velocityMultiplierDelta, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.repeatX, Alignment alignment = Alignment.bottomLeft, LayerFill fill = LayerFill.height, Images? images, Vector2? position, Vector2? size, Vector2? scale, double? angle, Anchor? anchor, int? priority, FilterQuality? filterQuality, ComponentKey? key}) Future<ParallaxComponent<FlameGame<World>>>
loadParallaxComponent(Iterable<ParallaxData> dataList, {Vector2? baseVelocity, Vector2? velocityMultiplierDelta, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.repeatX, Alignment alignment = Alignment.bottomLeft, LayerFill fill = LayerFill.height, Images? images, Vector2? position, Vector2? size, Vector2? scale, double? angle, Anchor? anchor, int? priority, FilterQuality? filterQuality, ComponentKey? key}) Future<ParallaxComponent<FlameGame<World>>>
overlaps(Rect other) bool
showDamage(double damage, {TextStyle? config, double initVelocityVertical = -5, double initVelocityHorizontal = 1, double gravity = 0.5, double maxDownSize = 20, DirectionTextDamage direction = DirectionTextDamage.RANDOM, bool onlyUp = false}) → void
Add in the game a text with animation representing damage received
simpleAttackMeleeByAngle({dynamic id, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animation, required double damage, required double angle, required AttackOriginEnum attackFrom, required Vector2 size, bool withPush = true, double marginFromCenter = 0, Vector2? centerOffset, void onDamage(Attackable attackable)?}) → void
Execute simple attack melee using animation
simpleAttackMeleeByDirection({Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationRight, dynamic id, required double damage, required Direction direction, required Vector2 size, required AttackOriginEnum attackFrom, bool withPush = true, double? sizePush, double? marginFromCenter, Vector2? centerOffset, void onDamage(Attackable attackable)?}) → void
Execute simple attack melee using animation
simpleAttackRangeByAngle({required Future<SpriteAnimation> animation, required Vector2 size, required double angle, required double damage, required AttackOriginEnum attackFrom, Vector2? destroySize, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationDestroy, dynamic id, double speed = 150, bool withDecorationCollision = true, VoidCallback? onDestroy, ShapeHitbox? collision, LightingConfig? lightingConfig, double marginFromOrigin = 16, Vector2? centerOffset}) → void
Execute the ranged attack using a component with animation
simpleAttackRangeByDirection({required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationRight, required Vector2 size, required Direction direction, required AttackOriginEnum attackFrom, Vector2? destroySize, dynamic id, double speed = 150, double damage = 1, bool withCollision = true, VoidCallback? onDestroy, ShapeHitbox? collision, LightingConfig? lightingConfig, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationDestroy, double marginFromOrigin = 16, Vector2? centerOffset}) → void
Execute the ranged attack using a component with animation
viewportPositionToGlobal(Offset position) Offset