SimpleEnemy class

Enemy with animation in all direction

Mixed-in types
Available extensions


SimpleEnemy({required Vector2 position, required double height, required double width, required SimpleDirectionAnimation animation, double life = 100, double speed = 100, Direction initDirection = Direction.right})


aboveComponents bool
When true this component render above all components in game.
getter/setter pairinherited
angle double
Rotation angle (in radians) of the component. The component will be rotated around its anchor point in the clockwise direction if the angle is positive, or counterclockwise if the angle is negative.
getter/setter pairinherited
animation SimpleDirectionAnimation?
getter/setter pairinherited
children ComponentSet
context BuildContext
Get BuildContext
no setterinherited
debugColor Color
The color that the debug output should be rendered with.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugCoordinatesPrecision int?
How many decimal digits to print when displaying coordinates in the debug mode. Setting this to null will suppress all coordinates from the output.
no setterinherited
debugMode bool
Returns whether this Component is in debug mode or not. When a child is added to the Component it gets the same debugMode as its parent has when it is prepared.
getter/setter pairinherited
debugPaint Paint
The debugColor represented as a Paint object.
no setterinherited
debugTextPaint TextPaint
Returns a TextPaint object with the debugColor set as color for the text.
no setterinherited
dtUpdate double
getter/setter pairinherited
gameRef BonfireGameInterface
getter/setter pairinherited
hasGameRef bool
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height double
Height of the Component.
getter/setter pairinherited
isDead bool
no setterinherited
isFlipHorizontal bool
getter/setter pairinherited
isFlipVertical bool
getter/setter pairinherited
isHud bool
Whether this component is a HUD (Heads-up display) object or not.
getter/setter pairinherited
isIdle bool
getter/setter pairinherited
isLoaded bool
Whether this component is done loading through onLoad.
getter/setter pairinherited
isMounted bool
Whether this component is currently added to a component tree.
getter/setter pairinherited
isPrepared bool
Whether this component has been prepared and is ready to be added to the game loop.
getter/setter pairinherited
isVisible bool
Param checks if this component is visible on the screen
getter/setter pairinherited
lastDirection Direction
getter/setter pairinherited
lastDirectionHorizontal Direction
getter/setter pairinherited
life double
getter/setter pairinherited
maxLife double
no setterinherited
nextParent Component?
If the component should be added to another parent once it has been removed from its current parent.
getter/setter pairinherited
onLoadCache Future<void>?
Since onLoad only should run once throughout a the lifetime of the implementing class, it is cached so that it can be reused when the parent component/game/widget changes.
getter/setter pairinherited
opacity double
Use to set opacity in render Range 0.0..1.0
getter/setter pairinherited
parent Component?
Get the current parent of the component, if there is one, otherwise null.
no setterinherited
playerRect Vector2Rect

Available on Enemy, provided by the EnemyExtensions extension

Gets player position used how base in calculations
no setter
position Vector2Rect
Position used to draw on the screen
getter/setter pairinherited
priority int
Render priority of this component. This allows you to control the order in which your components are rendered.
no setterinherited
receivesAttackFrom ReceivesAttackFromEnum
Used to define which type of component can be damaged
getter/setter pairinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shouldRemove bool
Whether this component should be removed or not.
getter/setter pairinherited
speed double
getter/setter pairinherited
vectorPosition Vector2
get vectorPosition of the Component.
getter/setter pairinherited
width double
Width of the Component.
getter/setter pairinherited


add(Component component) Future<void>
Prepares and registers a component to be added on the next game tick
addAll(Iterable<Component> components) Future<void>
Adds multiple children.
addLife(double life) → void
increase life in the player
ancestors() List<Component>
A list containing the current parent and its parent, and so on, until it reaches a component without a parent.
changeParent(Component component) → void
Changes the current parent for another parent and prepares the tree under the new root.
changePriorityWithoutResorting(int priority) → void
Usually this is not something that the user would want to call since the component list isn't re-ordered when it is called. See FlameGame.changePriority instead.
checkInterval(String key, int intervalInMilli, double dt) bool
Returns true if for each time the defined millisecond interval passes. Like a Timer.periodic Used in flows involved in the update
contains(Component c) bool
Whether the children list contains the given component.
containsPoint(Vector2 point) bool
Called to check whether the point is to be counted as within the component It needs to be overridden to have any effect, like it is in PositionComponent.
createComponentSet() ComponentSet
This method sets up the OrderedSet instance used by this component to handle its children, This is set up before any lifecycle methods happen.
die() → void
directionThePlayerIsIn() Direction?

Available on GameComponent, provided by the GameComponentExt extension

drawDefaultLifeBar(Canvas canvas, {Offset align =, bool drawInBottom = false, double margin = 4, double height = 4, double? width, List<Color>? colorsLife, Color backgroundColor = const Color(0xFF000000), BorderRadius borderRadius =, double borderWidth = 0, Color borderColor = const Color(0xFFFFFFFF)}) → void

Available on Attackable, provided by the AttackableExtensions extension

Draw simple life bar
eventPosition(PositionInfo info) Vector2
findParent<T extends Component>() → T?
Finds the closest parent further up the hierarchy that satisfies type=T, or null if none is found.
followComponent(GameComponent target, double dt, {required dynamic closeComponent(GameComponent), double margin = 10}) → void

Available on Movement, provided by the MovementExtensions extension

This method move this component to target Need use Movement mixin. Method that bo used in update method.
getAngleFomPlayer() double

Available on Enemy, provided by the EnemyExtensions extension

Get angle between enemy and player player as a base
getComponentDirectionFromMe(GameComponent? comp) Direction

Available on GameComponent, provided by the GameComponentExtensions extension

getInverseAngleFomPlayer() double

Available on Enemy, provided by the EnemyExtensions extension

Get angle between enemy and player enemy position as a base
getScreenPosition() Vector2
Return screen position of this component.
handlerPointerCancel(PointerCancelEvent event) → void
handlerPointerDown(PointerDownEvent event) → void
handlerPointerHover(PointerHoverEvent event) → void
handlerPointerMove(PointerMoveEvent event) → void
handlerPointerSignal(PointerSignalEvent event) → void
handlerPointerUp(PointerUpEvent event) → void
hasGesture() bool
idle() → void
initialLife(double life) → void
isObjectCollision() bool
Method that checks if this component contain collisions
moveDown(double speed, {VoidCallback? onCollision}) → void
Move player to Down
moveDownLeft(double speedX, double speedY, {VoidCallback? onCollision}) → void
Move player to Down and Left
moveDownRight(double speedX, double speedY, {VoidCallback? onCollision}) → void
Move player to Down and Right
moveFromAngle(double speed, double angle, {VoidCallback? onCollision}) → void
Move Player to direction by radAngle
moveFromAngleDodgeObstacles(double speed, double angle, {VoidCallback? onCollision}) → void
Move to direction by radAngle with dodge obstacles
moveLeft(double speed, {VoidCallback? onCollision}) → void
Move player to Left
moveRight(double speed, {VoidCallback? onCollision}) → void
Move player to Right
moveUp(double speed, {VoidCallback? onCollision}) → void
Move player to Up
moveUpLeft(double speedX, double speedY, {VoidCallback? onCollision}) → void
Move player to Up and Left
moveUpRight(double speedX, double speedY, {VoidCallback? onCollision}) → void
Move player to Up and Right
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onGameResize(Vector2 gameSize) → void
It receives the new game size. Executed right after the component is attached to a game and right before onLoad is called.
onLoad() Future<void>
Whenever onLoad returns something, the parent will wait for the Future to be resolved before adding it. If null is returned, the class is added right away.
onMount() → void
Called after the component has successfully run onLoad and before the component is added to its new parent.
onRemove() → void
Called right before the component is removed from the game.
positionsItselfAndKeepDistance(GameComponent target, {required dynamic positioned(GameComponent), double radiusVision = 32, double? minDistanceFromPlayer, bool runOnlyVisibleInScreen = true}) → void

Available on Movement, provided by the MovementExtensions extension

Checks whether the component is within range. If so, position yourself and keep your distance. Method that bo used in update method.
prepare(Component parent) → void
Prepares the Component to be added to a parent, and if there is an ancestor that is a FlameGame that game will do necessary preparations for this component. If there are no parents that are a Game false will be returned and this will run again once an ancestor or the component itself is added to a Game.
propagateToChildren<T extends Component>(bool handler(T)) bool
This method first calls the passed handler on the leaves in the tree, the children without any children of their own. Then it continues through all other children. The propagation continues until the handler returns false, which means "do not continue", or when the handler has been called with all children.
reAddChildren() Future<void>
The children are added again to the component set so that prepare, onLoad and onMount runs again. Used when a parent is changed further up the tree.
receiveDamage(double damage, dynamic from) → void
receivesAttackFromEnemy() bool
receivesAttackFromPlayer() bool
rectAttackable() Vector2Rect
remove(Component c) → void
Removes a component from the component tree, calling onRemove for it and its children.
removeAll(Iterable<Component> cs) → void
Removes all the children in the list and calls onRemove for all of them and their children.
removeFromParent() → void
Remove the component from its parent in the next tick.
render(Canvas canvas) → void
renderDebugMode(Canvas canvas) → void
renderTree(Canvas canvas) → void
reorderChildren() → void
Call this if any of this component's children priorities have changed at runtime.
replaceAnimation(SimpleDirectionAnimation newAnimation) Future<void>
screenPosition() Offset
Method return screen position
seeAndMoveToAttackRange({required dynamic positioned(Player), VoidCallback? notObserved, VoidCallback? observed, double radiusVision = 32, double? minDistanceFromPlayer, bool runOnlyVisibleInScreen = true}) → void

Available on Enemy, provided by the EnemyExtensions extension

Checks whether the player is within range. If so, move to it.
seeAndMoveToPlayer({required dynamic closePlayer(Player), VoidCallback? notObserved, VoidCallback? observed, double radiusVision = 32, double margin = 10, bool runOnlyVisibleInScreen = true}) → void

Available on Enemy, provided by the EnemyExtensions extension

Checks whether the player is within range. If so, move to it.
seeComponent(GameComponent component, {required dynamic observed(GameComponent), VoidCallback? notObserved, double radiusVision = 32}) → void

Available on GameComponent, provided by the GameComponentExtensions extension

This method we notify when detect the component when enter in radiusVision configuration Method that bo used in update method.
seeComponentType<T extends GameComponent>({required dynamic observed(List<T>), VoidCallback? notObserved, double radiusVision = 32}) → void

Available on GameComponent, provided by the GameComponentExtensions extension

This method we notify when detect components by type when enter in radiusVision configuration Method that bo used in update method.
seePlayer({required dynamic observed(Player), VoidCallback? notObserved, double radiusVision = 32}) → void

Available on Enemy, provided by the EnemyExtensions extension

This method we notify when detect the player when enter in radiusVision configuration Method that bo used in update method.
showDamage(double damage, {TextStyle? config, double initVelocityTop = -5, double gravity = 0.5, double maxDownSize = 20, DirectionTextDamage direction = DirectionTextDamage.RANDOM, bool onlyUp = false}) → void

Available on GameComponent, provided by the GameComponentExtensions extension

Add in the game a text with animation representing damage received
simpleAttackMelee({required double damage, required double height, required double width, int? id, int interval = 1000, bool withPush = false, double? sizePush, Direction? direction, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationRight, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationDown, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationLeft, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationUp, VoidCallback? execute}) → void

Available on Enemy, provided by the EnemyExtensions extension

Execute simple attack melee using animation
simpleAttackMeleeByAngle({required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationTop, required double damage, required double radAngleDirection, dynamic id, required double height, required double width, bool withPush = true}) → void

Available on GameComponent, provided by the GameComponentExtensions extension

Execute simple attack melee using animation
simpleAttackMeleeByDirection({Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationRight, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationDown, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationLeft, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationUp, dynamic id, required double damage, required Direction direction, required double height, required double width, bool withPush = true, double? sizePush}) → void

Available on GameComponent, provided by the GameComponentExtensions extension

Execute simple attack melee using animation
simpleAttackRange({required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationRight, required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationLeft, required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationUp, required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationDown, required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationDestroy, required double width, required double height, int? id, double speed = 150, double damage = 1, Direction? direction, int interval = 1000, bool withCollision = true, bool enableDiagonal = true, CollisionConfig? collision, VoidCallback? destroy, VoidCallback? execute, LightingConfig? lightingConfig}) → void

Available on Enemy, provided by the EnemyExtensions extension

Execute the ranged attack using a component with animation
simpleAttackRangeByAngle({required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationUp, required double width, required double height, required double radAngleDirection, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationDestroy, dynamic id, double speed = 150, double damage = 1, bool withCollision = true, VoidCallback? onDestroy, CollisionConfig? collision, LightingConfig? lightingConfig}) → void

Available on GameComponent, provided by the GameComponentExtensions extension

Execute the ranged attack using a component with animation
simpleAttackRangeByDirection({required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationRight, required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationLeft, required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationUp, required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationDown, required double width, required double height, required Direction direction, dynamic id, double speed = 150, double damage = 1, bool withCollision = true, bool enableDiagonal = true, VoidCallback? destroy, CollisionConfig? collision, LightingConfig? lightingConfig, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationDestroy}) → void

Available on GameComponent, provided by the GameComponentExtensions extension

Execute the ranged attack using a component with animation
tilePropertiesBelow() Map<String, dynamic>?
Method that checks what properties map tile is currently
tilePropertiesListBelow() List<Map<String, dynamic>>?
Method that checks what properties list map tile is currently
tileTypeBelow() String?
Method that checks what type map tile is currently
tileTypeListBelow() List<String>?
Method that checks what types map tile is currently
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
translate(double translateX, double translateY) → void
Method used to translate component
update(double dt) → void
This method is called periodically by the game engine to request that your component updates itself.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.