TestIterableStringExtension extension



simplify({bool trim = true, bool collapseSapces = true, bool lowerCase = true, String nullValue = ''}) List<String>

Available on Iterable<String>?, provided by the TestIterableStringExtension extension

simplifyAll({bool trim = true, bool collapseSapces = true, bool lowerCase = true, String nullValue = '', String separator = ' , '}) String

Available on Iterable<String>?, provided by the TestIterableStringExtension extension

simplifyAt(int index, {bool trim = true, bool collapseSapces = true, bool lowerCase = true, String nullValue = ''}) String

Available on Iterable<String>?, provided by the TestIterableStringExtension extension

simplifyFirst({bool trim = true, bool collapseSapces = true, bool lowerCase = true, String nullValue = ''}) String

Available on Iterable<String>?, provided by the TestIterableStringExtension extension

simplifyLast({bool trim = true, bool collapseSapces = true, bool lowerCase = true, String nullValue = ''}) String

Available on Iterable<String>?, provided by the TestIterableStringExtension extension