DOMNode class

Represents a DOM Node.

Implemented types


DOMNode({dynamic content})


allowContent bool
Indicates if this node accepts content.
asDOMNode DOMNode
no setteroverride
commented bool
no getter
content List<DOMNode>?
Actual list of nodes that represents the content of this node.
no setter
domGenerator DOMGenerator?
Returns the DOMGenerator associated with treeMap.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasOnGenerateListener bool
Returns true if has any onGenerate listener registered.
no setter
hasOnlyElementNodes bool
Returns true if this node content is empty (no children nodes). Returns ![isEmpty]. Returns true if this node only have DOMElement nodes.
no setter
hasOnlyTextNodes bool
Returns true if this node only have TextNode nodes.
no setter
hasParent bool
Returns true if this node has a parent.
no setter
hasTemplate bool
Returns true if this node has a DOMTemplate.
no setter
hasUnresolvedTemplate bool
Returns true if this node has a text node with a unresolved DOMTemplate.
no setter
indexInParent int
Returns the index position of this node in the parent.
no setter
isCommented bool
If true this node is commented (ignored).
no setter
isEmptyContent bool
Returns true if this node content is empty (no children nodes).
no setter
isGenerated bool
Returns true if this node has a generated element by domGenerator.
no setter
isNotEmptyContent bool
Returns true if this node content is NOT empty (has children nodes). See isEmptyContent.
no setter
isStringElement bool
Returns true if this element is a TextNode or a DOMElement of tag: sup, i, em, u, b, strong.
no setter
isWhiteSpaceContent bool
Returns true if this node only have white space content.
no setter
length int
Returns the total number of children nodes.
no setter
nodes List<DOMNode>
Returns a copy List of children nodes.
no setter
onGenerate EventStream
Event handler for when this element is generated by DOMGenerator.
no setter
parent DOMNode?
Returns the parent DOMNode of generated tree (by DOMGenerator).
getter/setter pair
root DOMNode
Returns the root DOMNode of this element. If this node doesn't have a parent, will return this instance as root.
no setter
runtime DOMNodeRuntime
Returns a DOMNodeRuntime with the actual generated node associated with treeMap and domGenerator.
no setter
runtimeNode → dynamic
Returns runtime.node.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
text String
Returns the content of this node as text.
no setter
treeMap DOMTreeMap?
Returns the DOMTreeMap of the last generated tree of elements.
getter/setter pair


absorbNode(DOMNode other) bool
Absorb the content of other and appends to this node.
add(Object? entry) DOMNode
addAll(Iterable? entries) DOMNode
Adds all entries to children nodes.
addAsTag<T>(String tag, T entry, [ContentGenerator<T>? contentGenerator]) DOMNode
addEach<T>(Iterable<T> iterable, [ContentGenerator<T>? contentGenerator]) DOMNode
Adds each entry of iterable to content.
addEachAsTag<T>(String tag, Iterable<T> iterable, [ContentGenerator<T>? contentGenerator]) DOMNode
addHTML(String html) DOMNode
Parses html and add it to content.
buildDOM<T>({DOMGenerator<T>? generator, T? parent, DOMContext<T>? context}) → T?
Builds a DOM using generator.
buildHTML({bool withIndent = false, String parentIndent = '', String indent = ' ', bool disableIndent = false, bool xhtml = false, bool resolveDSX = false, bool buildTemplates = false, DOMNode? parentNode, DOMNode? previousNode, DOMContext? domContext}) String
Generates a HTML from this node tree.
catchNodesWhere<T extends DOMNode>(Object? selector, List<T> destiny) → void
checkNodes() → void
Checks children nodes integrity.
clearNodes() → void
Clear the children list.
containsNode(DOMNode node, {dynamic deep = true}) bool
Returns true if node is a child of this node.
copy() DOMNode
Copies this node.
copyContent() List<DOMNode>
Copies this node content.
duplicate() DOMNode?
Duplicate this node and add it to the parent.
duplicateNode(DOMNode node) DOMNode?
Duplicate node and add it to the children list.
getRuntime<T>() DOMNodeRuntime<T>
Same as runtime, but casts to DOMNodeRuntime<T>.
getRuntimeNode<T>() → T?
Same as runtimeNode, but casts to T.
indexOf(Object? selector) int
Returns the index of a child node that matches selector.
indexOfNode(DOMNode node) int
Returns the index of node.
indexOfNodeIdentical(DOMNode node) int
indexOfNodeIdenticalFirst(DOMNode node) int
indexOfNodeWhere(bool test(DOMNode node)) int
insertAfter(Object? indexSelector, Object? entry) DOMNode
Inserts entry after index of child node that matches indexSelector.
insertAt(Object? indexSelector, Object? entry) DOMNode
Inserts entry at index of child node that matches indexSelector.
isCompatibleForMerge(DOMNode other) bool
Returns true if other is compatible for merging.
isConsecutiveNode(DOMNode other) bool
Returns true if other is the previous or next sibling of this node parent.
isInSameParent(DOMNode other) bool
Returns true if other is in the same parent of this node.
isNextNode(DOMNode other) bool
Returns true if other is the next sibling of this node parent.
isPreviousNode(DOMNode other) bool
Returns true if other is the previous sibling of this node parent.
merge(DOMNode other, {bool onlyConsecutive = true}) bool
Merges other node into this node.
moveDown() bool
Moves this node down in the parent children list.
moveDownNode(DOMNode node) bool
Moves node down in the children list.
moveUp() bool
Moves this node up in the parent children list.
moveUpNode(DOMNode node) bool
Moves node up in the children list.
node<T extends DOMNode>(Object? selector) → T?
nodeByID<T extends DOMNode>(String? id) → T?
Returns a child node by id.
nodeByIndex<T extends DOMNode>(int? index) → T?
Returns a child node by index.
nodeEquals<T extends DOMNode>(DOMNode? node) → T?
Returns a node T that is equals to node.
nodesWhere<T extends DOMNode>(Object? selector) List<T>
Returns a List<T> of children nodes that matches selector.
nodeWhere<T extends DOMNode>(Object? selector) → T?
normalizeContent() → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyElementGenerated(Object? element) → void
Dispatch a onGenerate event with element.
remove() bool
Removes this node from parent.
removeNode(DOMNode node) bool
Removes node from children list.
select<T extends DOMNode>(Object? selector) → T?
Returns a node T that matches selector.
selectAllByType<T extends DOMNode>() List<T>
Returns a List<T> of children nodes that are of type T.
selectAllWhere<T extends DOMNode>(Object? selector) List<T>
Returns a List<T> of children nodes that matches selector.
selectByID<T extends DOMNode>(String? id) → T?
Returns a node T that has attribute id.
selectByTag<T extends DOMNode>(List<String>? tags) → T?
Returns a node T that is one of tags.
selectByType<T extends DOMNode>() → T?
Returns a child node of type T.
selectEquals<T extends DOMNode>(DOMNode? node) → T?
selectParentWhere<T extends DOMNode>(Object? selector) → T?
Returns a parent T that matches selector.
selectWhere<T extends DOMNode>(Object? selector) → T?
Returns a T child node that matches selector.
selectWithAllClasses<T extends DOMNode>(List<String>? classes) → T?
Returns a node T that has all classes.
selectWithAnyClass<T extends DOMNode>(List<String>? classes) → T?
Returns a node T that has any of classes.
setContent(Object? newContent) DOMNode
Sets the content of this node.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

defaultDomGenerator DOMGenerator
Returns the default DOMGenerator.
getter/setter pair
regexpWhiteSpace RegExp

Static Methods

from(Object? entry) DOMNode?
Creates a DOMNode from dynamic parameter entry.
parseNodes(Object? entry) List<DOMNode>
Parses entry to a list of nodes.
parseString(String s) Object?
parseStringNodes(String s) List<DOMNode>?
setDefaultDomGeneratorToDartHTML() DOMGenerator
Sets the default DOMGenerator to dart:html implementation.
toText(Object? nodes) String
Converts nodes to a text String.