UINavigator class

Handles navigation and routes.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


clearDetachedNavigables({UINavigableComponent? ignore}) → void
Removes from navigables cache detached elements.
findElementNavigableRoutes(UIElement? element) List<String>
Find in element tree nodes with attribute navigate.
findNavigable(String route) UINavigableComponent?
Finds a UINavigableComponent that responds for route.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
refreshNavigation([bool force = false]) → void
Refreshed the current route.
refreshNavigationAsync([bool force = false]) → void
Refreshed the current route asynchronously.
registerNavigable(UINavigableComponent navigable) → void
Registers a UINavigableComponent.
selectNavigables([UIElement? element]) List<UIElement>
Returns List<UIElement> that are from navigable components.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

currentNavigation Navigation?
Returns the current Navigation.
no setter
currentRoute String?
Returns the current route.
no setter
currentRouteParameters Map<String, String>?
Returns the current route parameters.
no setter
hasRoute bool
Returns true if current location has a route entry.
no setter
initialNavigation Navigation?
Returns the initial Navigation when browser window was open.
no setter
initialRoute String?
Returns the initial route when browser window was open.
no setter
isOffline bool
Returns true if this device is off-line.
no setter
isOnline bool
Returns true if this device is online.
no setter
isSecureContext bool
Returns true if this device is in secure contexts (HTTPS).
no setter
Returns all the known routes of registered navigables.
no setter
no setter
no setter
Returns a history list of Navigation.
no setter
onNavigate EventStream<String>
EventStream for when navigation changes. Passes route name.
no setter
urlFilter String Function(String a)?
getter/setter pair

Static Methods

clearNavigateOnClick(UIElement element) bool
equalsToCurrentRoute(String route, {Map<String, String>? parameters}) bool
Returns true if route equals to currentRoute.
equalsToCurrentRouteParameters(Map<String, String>? parameters) bool
Returns true if parameters are equals to currentRouteParameters.
get() UINavigator
getCurrentRoute({String defaultRoute = ''}) String
Returns the currentRoute or defaultRoute.
getNavigateOnClick(UIElement element) String?
Returns the current navigate property of element.
Navigate using navigation do determine route and parameters.
Navigate asynchronously using navigation do determine route and parameters.
Register a onClick listener in element to navigate to route with parameters.
Navigate to a route with parameters or parametersProvider.
Navigate asynchronously to a route with parameters or parametersProvider.
Navigates to a main route (mainRouteLogged or mainRouteNotLogged) based in isLogged status and isLoggedRoute and isNotLoggedRoute checkers.