getTableScheme method

  1. @override
TableScheme? getTableScheme(
  1. String table, {
  2. TableRelationshipReference? relationship,
  3. Object? contextID,

Returns a TableScheme for table. Calls getTableSchemeImpl handling asynchronous calls.

  • contextID should be Expando compatible. It informs that other calls to getTableScheme are in the same context and could have shared internal caches for the same contextID instance.


TableScheme? getTableScheme(String table,
    {TableRelationshipReference? relationship, Object? contextID}) {
  // ignore: discarded_futures
  var ret = super.getTableScheme(table, relationship: relationship);

  if (ret is Future) {
    throw StateError("Expected sync return from `super.getTableScheme`");

  return ret;