APIModule class abstract

A module of an API.

Mixed-in types


APIModule(APIRoot apiRoot, String name, {String? version})


allRoutesNames Set<String>
Returns all the routes names.
no setter
apiConfig APIConfig
The APIConfig from apiRoot.
no setter
apiRoot APIRoot
The API root, that is loading this module.
authenticationRoute String
no setter
defaultRouteName String?
The default route to use when the request doesn't match.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
initializationStatus InitializationStatus
Returns the current InitializationStatus.
no setterinherited
isAsyncInitialization bool
Returns true if this instance initialization was asynchronous.
no setterinherited
isInitialized bool
Returns true if this instance is already initialized.
no setterinherited
isInitializing bool
Returns true if this instance is in the middle of the initialization process.
no setterinherited
name String
The name of this API module.
routes APIRouteBuilder<APIModule>
Returns the routes builder of this module.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
security APISecurity?
no setter
version String?
Optional module version.


acceptsRequest(APIRequest apiRequest) bool
Returns true if apiRequest is an accepted route/call for this module.
addRoute(APIRequestMethod? method, String name, APIRouteFunction function, {Map<String, TypeInfo>? parameters, Iterable<APIRouteRule>? rules, APIRouteConfig? config}) APIModule
Adds a route, of name, to this module.
apiInfo([APIRequest? apiRequest]) APIModuleInfo
Returns a APIModuleInfo.
call<T>(APIRequest request) FutureOr<APIResponse<T>>
Calls a route for request.
checkInitialized() → void
Checks if this instance is initialized.
configure() → void
Configures this API module. Usually defines the routes of this instance.
doInitialization({Initializable? parent}) FutureOr<InitializationResult>
Initialize this instance if is not initialized yet.
ensureConfigured() → void
ensureInitialized({Initializable? parent}) FutureOr<InitializationResult>
Ensures that this instance is initialized.
ensureInitializedAsync({Initializable? parent}) FutureOr<InitializationResult>
Ensures that this instance is initialized. If is not initialized yet it will force an asynchronous initialization and return a Future.
executeInitialized<R>(ExecuteInitializedCallback<R> callback, {Initializable? parent}) FutureOr<R>
Executes the callback ensuring that this instances was fully initialized.
getRouteHandler<T>(String name, [APIRequestMethod? method]) APIRouteHandler<T>?
Returns a route handler for name.
getRouteHandlerByRequest<T>(APIRequest request, [String? routeName]) APIRouteHandler<T>?
Returns a route handler for request.
getRoutesHandlersNames({APIRequestMethod? method}) Iterable<String>
Returns the routes names for method.
initialize() FutureOr<InitializationResult>
Initialization implementation. Do not call it directly, use doInitialization.
initializeDependencies() FutureOr<List<Initializable>>
Return a List of Initializable instances that need to be initialized BEFORE initialize this instance.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
resolveRoute(APIRequest request) String
Resolves the route name of the request.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


interfaceMethodsNames → const Set<String>