bond_core library


Represents a set of tasks to run before and after the main Flutter application starts.
An abstract class representing a service provider.




A mixin that provides JSON serialization methods.
A mixin providing a dynamic response conversion method.


DeviceTypeContext on BuildContext
Provides an intuitive method to determine the type of device being used.
InsetsContext on BuildContext
Extension methods on BuildContext to provide easier access to MediaQuery padding properties.
KeyboardContext on BuildContext
provide helper methods related to the on-screen keyboard.
LocalizationContext on BuildContext
Extension methods on BuildContext to provide easier access to localization-related properties.
MapFuture on Future<T>
An extension on Future that provides a method to map the result of the future to a different type.
MapListFuture on Future<List<T>>
An extension on Future<List> that provides a method to map the elements of the list to a different type.
MediaQueryContext on BuildContext
An extension on BuildContext to provide more intuitive access to properties and methods related to screen properties and media queries.
ScaffoldContext on BuildContext
Provides helper methods related to the Scaffold and ScaffoldMessenger for a more convenient and streamlined way of displaying messages and dialogs.
ThemeContext on BuildContext
Extension methods on BuildContext to provide easier access to theme-related properties.


appContext BuildContext
Provides access to the global root-level context of the application.
no setter
appKey GlobalKey<NavigatorState>
A global key used to reference the root MaterialApp widget.
appProviders List<ServiceProvider>
A list of ServiceProviders used in the app.
getter/setter pair
sl → GetIt
A singleton instance of the GetIt service locator.


init(List<ServiceProvider> incomingProviders) Future<void>
Initializes and registers all the provided ServiceProviders.
run(Widget app(), {required RunTasks tasks, required List<ServiceProvider> providers}) → void
Runs the main Flutter application with additional pre and post tasks.