blusalt_identity_verification library


initializeSDK() → void
Initializing the SDK with API credentials obtained from account dashboard. Replace the empty strings with the appropriate value
verifyBVN() → void
Verify Customer BVN. Provide actual customer BVN and phone number Get the Customer BVN data
verifyBVNWithImage() → void
Verify Customer BVN Identity number. Provide actual customer BVN and phone number Get the Customer BVN data including image
verifyDriversLicence() → void
Verify Customer Driver's Licence. Provide actual customer licence and phone number Get the Customer Driver's Licence data
verifyNIN() → void
Verify Customer Natianal Identity number. Provide actual customer NIN and phone number Get the Customer NIN data
verifyNIP() → void
Verify Customer International passport. Provide actual customer Passport number and phone number Get the Customer International passport data
verifyPVC() → void
Verify Customer PVC. Provide actual customer PVC, phone number and state Get the Customer PVC data