getBlogs method
getBlogs This function will return all Blog
We need to pass listof BlogIds
if the statusCode
is 200 then the API call is Successful elase the will be updated in BlogsModel.error field.
if BlogsModel.error is null then your all is Successful.
Future<List<BlogsModel>> getBlogs({required List<String> blogIds}) async {
List<BlogsModel> blogsModels = [];
for (int i = 0; i < blogIds.length; i++) {
BlogsModel blogsModel = BlogsModel(error: 'API Call Failed');
try {
final res = await http.get(
switch (res.statusCode) {
/// if the status code is 2000 then you API call is Successful and we got the datat from server
case 200:
blogsModel = BlogsModel.fromJson(res.body);
blogsModel = blogsModel
.copyWith(pages: BlogPage.fromJson(blogsModel.pages!.toJson()))
.copyWith(posts: BlogPost.fromJson(blogsModel.posts!.toJson()))
locale: BlogLocale.fromJson(blogsModel.locale!.toJson()))
.copyWith(error: null);
/// we got some error so it;s update in [Error] column
blogsModel = BlogsModel(error: res.body);
} catch (e) {
/// we got some error so it;s update in [Error] column
blogsModel = BlogsModel(error: e.toString());
return blogsModels;