toDer static method

List<int> toDer(
  1. List<BigInt> bigIntList

Converts a list of BigInt values to DER-encoded bytes.

The toDer method takes a list of BigInt values bigIntList and encodes them in DER format. It returns a list of bytes representing the DER-encoded sequence of integers.

Example Usage:

List<BigInt> values = [BigInt.from(123), BigInt.from(456)];
List<int> derBytes = DEREncoding.toDer(values);


  • bigIntList: The list of BigInt values to be DER-encoded. Returns: A list of bytes representing the DER-encoded sequence of integers.


static List<int> toDer(List<BigInt> bigIntList) {
  List<List<int>> encodedIntegers = {
    List<int> bytes = _encodeInteger(bi);
    return bytes;

  List<int> lengthBytes =
      _encodeLength(encodedIntegers.fold<int>(0, (sum, e) => sum + e.length));
  List<int> contentBytes =
      encodedIntegers.fold<List<int>>([], (prev, e) => [...prev, ...e]);
  var derBytes = [
    0x30, ...lengthBytes,

    /// DER SEQUENCE tag and length

  return derBytes;