ProjectiveECCPoint class

Represents a point in projective coordinates on an elliptic curve.



ProjectiveECCPoint({required CurveFp curve, required BigInt x, required BigInt y, required BigInt z, BigInt? order, bool generator = false})
Constructs a ProjectiveECCPoint from the given coordinates and optional order and generator flag. The curve parameter specifies the elliptic curve. x, y, and z are the projective coordinates of the point. order is the order of the point, and generator indicates if the point is a generator.
ProjectiveECCPoint.fromAffine(AbstractPoint point, {bool generator = false})
Constructs a ProjectiveECCPoint from an AffinePointt in affine coordinates.
ProjectiveECCPoint.fromBytes({required CurveFp curve, required List<int> data, BigInt? order})
Constructs a ProjectiveECCPoint from a byte representation. The curve parameter specifies the elliptic curve, and data is the byte data. order is the order of the point.
ProjectiveECCPoint.infinity(CurveFp curve)
Constructs a special ProjectiveECCPoint representing infinity on the elliptic curve. The curve parameter specifies the elliptic curve.


curve CurveFp
The elliptic curve associated with this point.
getter/setter pairoverride-getter
generator bool
Indicates whether the point is a generator.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
isInfinity bool
check if point is infinity
no setteroverride
order BigInt?
The order of the point (can be null if unknown).
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
x BigInt
Get the x-coordinate of this point in the projective elliptic curve coordinates.
no setteroverride
y BigInt
Get the y-coordinate of this point in projective elliptic curve coordinates.
no setteroverride


doublePoint() ProjectiveECCPoint
Doubles a point in projective coordinates on an elliptic curve and returns the result.
getCoords() List<BigInt>
mulAdd(BigInt selfMul, AbstractPoint otherPoint, BigInt otherMul) ProjectiveECCPoint
Multiplies this point by a scalar value selfMul and adds another point otherPoint multiplied by otherMul.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
scale() ProjectiveECCPoint
Scales the projective point's coordinates.
toAffine() AffinePointt
Converts the projective point to an affine point.
toBytes([EncodeType encodeType = EncodeType.comprossed]) List<int>
Converts the elliptic curve point to a byte array with the specified encoding type. The default encoding type is 'compressed'.
toHex([EncodeType encodeType = EncodeType.comprossed]) String
Encodes the elliptic curve point as a hexadecimal string with the specified encoding type. The default encoding type is 'compressed'.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator *(BigInt scalar) ProjectiveECCPoint
Multiplies this point by a scalar value.
operator +(AbstractPoint other) AbstractPoint
Adds another point to this point.
operator ==(Object other) bool
equal operation
operator unary-() ProjectiveECCPoint