Country enum

Defines possible the document country from ClassInfo scanned with BlinkID or BlinkID MultiSide Recognizer

Available extensions


None → const Country
Albania → const Country
Algeria → const Country
Argentina → const Country
Australia → const Country
Austria → const Country
Azerbaijan → const Country
Bahrain → const Country
Bangladesh → const Country
Belgium → const Country
BosniaAndHerzegovina → const Country
Brunei → const Country
Bulgaria → const Country
Cambodia → const Country
Canada → const Country
Chile → const Country
Colombia → const Country
CostaRica → const Country
Croatia → const Country
Cyprus → const Country
Czechia → const Country
Denmark → const Country
DominicanRepublic → const Country
Egypt → const Country
Estonia → const Country
Finland → const Country
France → const Country
Georgia → const Country
Germany → const Country
Ghana → const Country
Greece → const Country
Guatemala → const Country
HongKong → const Country
Hungary → const Country
India → const Country
Indonesia → const Country
Ireland → const Country
Israel → const Country
Italy → const Country
Jordan → const Country
Kazakhstan → const Country
Kenya → const Country
Kosovo → const Country
Kuwait → const Country
Latvia → const Country
Lithuania → const Country
Malaysia → const Country
Maldives → const Country
Malta → const Country
Mauritius → const Country
Mexico → const Country
Morocco → const Country
Netherlands → const Country
NewZealand → const Country
Nigeria → const Country
Pakistan → const Country
Panama → const Country
Paraguay → const Country
Philippines → const Country
Poland → const Country
Portugal → const Country
PuertoRico → const Country
Qatar → const Country
Romania → const Country
Russia → const Country
SaudiArabia → const Country
Serbia → const Country
Singapore → const Country
Slovakia → const Country
Slovenia → const Country
SouthAfrica → const Country
Spain → const Country
Sweden → const Country
Switzerland → const Country
Taiwan → const Country
Thailand → const Country
Tunisia → const Country
Turkey → const Country
UAE → const Country
Uganda → const Country
UK → const Country
Ukraine → const Country
Usa → const Country
Vietnam → const Country
Brazil → const Country
Norway → const Country
Oman → const Country
Ecuador → const Country
ElSalvador → const Country
SriLanka → const Country
Peru → const Country
Uruguay → const Country
Bahamas → const Country
Bermuda → const Country
Bolivia → const Country
China → const Country
EuropeanUnion → const Country
Haiti → const Country
Honduras → const Country
Iceland → const Country
Japan → const Country
Luxembourg → const Country
Montenegro → const Country
Nicaragua → const Country
SouthKorea → const Country
Venezuela → const Country
Afghanistan → const Country
AlandIslands → const Country
AmericanSamoa → const Country
Andorra → const Country
Angola → const Country
Anguilla → const Country
Antarctica → const Country
AntiguaAndBarbuda → const Country
Armenia → const Country
Aruba → const Country
BailiwickOfGuernsey → const Country
BailiwickOfJersey → const Country
Barbados → const Country
Belarus → const Country
Belize → const Country
Benin → const Country
Bhutan → const Country
BonaireSaintEustatiusAndSaba → const Country
Botswana → const Country
BouvetIsland → const Country
BritishIndianOceanTerritory → const Country
BurkinaFaso → const Country
Burundi → const Country
Cameroon → const Country
CapeVerde → const Country
CaribbeanNetherlands → const Country
CaymanIslands → const Country
CentralAfricanRepublic → const Country
Chad → const Country
ChristmasIsland → const Country
CocosIslands → const Country
Comoros → const Country
Congo → const Country
CookIslands → const Country
Cuba → const Country
Curacao → const Country
DemocraticRepublicOfTheCongo → const Country
Djibouti → const Country
Dominica → const Country
EastTimor → const Country
EquatorialGuinea → const Country
Eritrea → const Country
Ethiopia → const Country
FalklandIslands → const Country
FaroeIslands → const Country
FederatedStatesOfMicronesia → const Country
Fiji → const Country
FrenchGuiana → const Country
FrenchPolynesia → const Country
FrenchSouthernTerritories → const Country
Gabon → const Country
Gambia → const Country
Gibraltar → const Country
Greenland → const Country
Grenada → const Country
Guadeloupe → const Country
Guam → const Country
Guinea → const Country
GuineaBissau → const Country
Guyana → const Country
HeardIslandAndMcdonaldIslands → const Country
Iran → const Country
Iraq → const Country
IsleOfMan → const Country
IvoryCoast → const Country
Jamaica → const Country
Kiribati → const Country
Kyrgyzstan → const Country
Laos → const Country
Lebanon → const Country
Lesotho → const Country
Liberia → const Country
Libya → const Country
Liechtenstein → const Country
Macau → const Country
Madagascar → const Country
Malawi → const Country
Mali → const Country
MarshallIslands → const Country
Martinique → const Country
Mauritania → const Country
Mayotte → const Country
Moldova → const Country
Monaco → const Country
Mongolia → const Country
Montserrat → const Country
Mozambique → const Country
Myanmar → const Country
Namibia → const Country
Nauru → const Country
Nepal → const Country
NewCaledonia → const Country
Niger → const Country
Niue → const Country
NorfolkIsland → const Country
NorthernCyprus → const Country
NorthernMarianaIslands → const Country
NorthKorea → const Country
NorthMacedonia → const Country
Palau → const Country
Palestine → const Country
PapuaNewGuinea → const Country
Pitcairn → const Country
Reunion → const Country
Rwanda → const Country
SaintBarthelemy → const Country
SaintHelenaAscensionAndTristianDaCunha → const Country
SaintKittsAndNevis → const Country
SaintLucia → const Country
SaintMartin → const Country
SaintPierreAndMiquelon → const Country
SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines → const Country
Samoa → const Country
SanMarino → const Country
SaoTomeAndPrincipe → const Country
Senegal → const Country
Seychelles → const Country
SierraLeone → const Country
SintMaarten → const Country
SolomonIslands → const Country
Somalia → const Country
SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands → const Country
SouthSudan → const Country
Sudan → const Country
Suriname → const Country
SvalbardAndJanMayen → const Country
Eswatini → const Country
Syria → const Country
Tajikistan → const Country
Tanzania → const Country
Togo → const Country
Tokelau → const Country
Tonga → const Country
TrinidadAndTobago → const Country
Turkmenistan → const Country
TurksAndCaicosIslands → const Country
Tuvalu → const Country
UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands → const Country
Uzbekistan → const Country
Vanuatu → const Country
VaticanCity → const Country
VirginIslandsBritish → const Country
VirginIslandsUs → const Country
WallisAndFutuna → const Country
WesternSahara → const Country
Yemen → const Country
Yugoslavia → const Country
Zambia → const Country
Zimbabwe → const Country
SchengenArea → const Country


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<Country>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.