Represents additional info on processing.
Information about missing fields, invalid characters, extra presented fields for each document field and image extraction failures can be obtained.
ClassAnonymizationSettings is used to anonymize specific documents and fields.
It can be modified with countries, regions, document types, document fields and the partial document number anonymization.
See Country, Region, Type, FieldType and DocumentNumberAnonymizationSettings objects to get more information which settings can be anonymized.
Setting is taken into account if AnonymizationMode is set to ImageOnly,ResultFieldsOnly or FullResult.
CustomClassRules represent custom rules of mandatory fields for each class of a document.
Setting the fields in the CustomClassRules will make them mandatory.
If CustomClassRules is not set, all of the default fields are mandatory.
DetailedFieldType represents a detailed field type used for custom mandatory fields.
Used with CustomClassRules. A field type (see FieldType for all fields) along with Alphabet type (see AlphabetType for all alphabets) is required.
DocumentNumberAnonymizationSettings is implemented with ClassAnonymizationSettings class.
It can partially anonymize the document number from the scanned document.
Extension factors relative to corresponding dimension of the full image. For example,
upFactor and downFactor define extensions relative to image height, e.g.
when upFactor is 0.5, upper image boundary will be extended for half of image's full
RecognitionModeFilter is used to enable/disable recognition of specific document groups.
Setting is taken into account only if the right for that document is purchased.